Kenzinator has indicated that this thread is about India
I have travelled extensively around India, but quite a number of years ago. A Rail Pass is a good idea. Second Class is OK if you want to meet the people. If you have a newspaper (even English), people will borrow it off of you. I preferred first.
Rickshaws and taxis will rip you off. People selling you something will often try and overcharge you. If not too much, let them have it as often they need the money more than you do. Many Indians are superstitious and worry about the first sale of the day. If it goes OK, they think their day will go OK, so you stand a better chance of getting a bargain then.
You will certainly have some chances to practise your patience there, but if you can be patient, things do run smoother.
Do have necessary injections, take malaria pills, etc. A can of insect spray is a good investment. Spray around in the evening after you shut windows.
A Lonely Planet guide to India is invaluable. I stepped off the plane on my first trip there 30 years ago with nothing planned and just an LP guide.
Hot food is normally OK as it should have killed any bacteria, but remember the old traveller's cure. A small spoonful of salt washed down by a sugary drink is very good against diarrhoea and worse. It cured me of food poisoning in Jakarta many years ago.
Pick up a knife, fork and spoon ASAP when there. Some places down south they still eat with their hands and wash them afterwards. Midday meal in some eating places when many use them can be just (unknown) curried meat and rice rather than their usual selection.
There are still some hippies about in the popular beach places and such. All sorts of things are sold in India, often locally made, and picking up a musical instrument should be no problem.
I don't know if they still fuss about the money? It used to be that they did not mind if a note had a large hole in it (from staples put through bundles) but if it had the slightest tear to an edge, they would not take it.
Hi Mack..
I am Sachin.
I am an Indian.
There are a lot of questions in your mind. Which is very obvious.. May be more than what all you had asked above.
But its ok. If you want answers.. You can seek me out.. Just drop in a mail.. And i will respond each and every query of yours..
I was actually looking for travel buddies to share experiences across India and saw this forum then.
I am an avid traveller. But still I have not been able to complete India.. I am a native of New Delhi. And have stayed in Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai for over 1 year.. So every 10km you travel in India you will find altogether different experiences.. Which you would definitly love/like/may wont like. But it is always advisable to have someone known when it comes to find out cheap ways of visiting a place and about what to eat n all.. Tour guides/agencies dont know entire things.. Or things which u would really like to see or visit.. They just remain confined with their checklist.. Anyways.. I wish you good luck.. I would love to answer ur queries and to tell u more.. Drop me an email.. -snip-.. Or
[ , no personal details please. ]
Have fun.
Look forward to India, it is one amazing country, from North to South, I spend over 12 months there, and still haven't had enough. I liked Rajasthan the most. Where are you starting from?
I went volunteering in Rajasthan, I don't know if you are up for this, but if so I can send you a link,?it is a nice way to get closer to the culture, and I would recommend it to everyone.
I hope you have a great time.
Hi petrica.
What do you volunteer for?
If you can share me the link..
[ , no personal details please. Please use private messages. ]
Ah all of you have been so kind in your thoughtful responses, here.
I would adore to volunteer somewhere to really become familiar with a particular city. I'll be throughout Rajasthan in March and April - and I may have an opportunity available in Varanasi, where I'll briefly stop then, too.
I just really don't want to get sick biggest fear unfortunately is a superficial one as that! Avoid certain foods and eateries, drink bottled water only... Time will tell! I leave in two weeks and cannot Wait for all it will bring.
Cheers, friends.
Ah all of you have been so kind in your thoughtful responses, here.
I would adore to volunteer somewhere to really become familiar with a particular city. I'll be throughout Rajasthan in March and April - and I may have an opportunity available in Varanasi, where I'll briefly stop then, too.
I just really don't want to get sick biggest fear unfortunately is a superficial one as that! Avoid certain foods and eateries, drink bottled water only... Time will tell! I leave in two weeks and cannot Wait for all it will bring.
Cheers, friends.
You are very lucky to be there in those months, since it is also season for Holi. I experienced this with the volunteer organization in Rajasthan. If you wanna have a look into it the site is:, they make sure you learn a lot about the indian ways of living, and get to learn bit hindi and cooking lessons.
Don't worry too much about getting sick, it happens to everyone, and all the hotels are very helpful getting you the medicine you need. Go easy, and don't eat street food from first day, then you will be fine! Have a nice trip.

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