Hi everyone I've finally booked australia and will be leaving 10th of November flying to Sydney I then plan to travel around oz and back to sydney for NYE hen go to New Zealand for a month finally finishing off in Thailand and Cambodia kula lumpa and all around that area before flying back yo London! Any one around that time??
Hi James.
I will be flying into Melbourne on 8th November, then making my way to Sydney. Are you looking for a buddy?
Hi Charlotte
I am wanting to meet up with people i think thats my most nervous thing is going alone. How long are you in melbourne for? where are you looking to stay in sydney? im thinking Bounce hostel 5 nights then make my way up?
Hi James
I don't really have any set plans yet. Just going to get to Melbourne and then see what happens. I imagine I will stay there for a few days before I make my way up to Sydney.
I haven't looked at any hostels properly yet. Has that one been recommended to you?
I arrive in melbourne 16th oct planning on working there a month or two then heading for sydney for xmas nye.
Let me know if u want to meet up!
Habe booked accom in melb, where I wanted to stay was already full.so maybe dont leave it to late charlotte.
will let u know the names
Where have you booked? Would be great to hook up over there. Add me on Facebook - Charlotte Norcliffe
Are you planning on traveling anywhere else I'm playing on moving up the east coast and hitting Melbourne in December then moving back to Sydney for NYE and am so up for meeting if anyone else is. Is anyone heading to NZ in January - add me on fb James Fidling
Hi James.
I'll be landing in Melbourne on 8th November and then travelling up to Sydney after a few days. You?

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