Hey guys!
Hey! I'm booking onto the ultimate oz week for the 22nd as well There's a few others as well in the group, we've got a message thing on Facebook if you want to join it?
Hey! I'm booking onto the ultimate oz week for the 22nd as well There's a few others as well in the group, we've got a message thing on Facebook if you want to join it?
That would be brilliant! I think they joined me into the September Ultimate Oz group when I paid, but it's just for September total and not specifically for the 22nd. I'd hope to somewhat recognise a few people before it starts aha! Also, you're from Aber? I guess I won't be the only welshie on the trip aha!
Ah yeah I'm in that group too haha, if you add me on facebook (I think there's a link on my profile on here, not sure how it works) then I'll add you to the group message I didn't realise you were Welsh! That's fab, I'm not the only Welshie anymore!
Hey guys im sam from lincolnshre, i am looking to travel oz in september, what is this ultimate oz intro week all about ?? And how much does it cost and what not, i too am planning on travelling alone september time so any advice would be amazing
Thanks, just added you on the facebook!
Hi Sam, here's the link for you to check out http://www.ultimate.travel/ultimateoz-sydney/ I think the final cost is in the region of 450 pounds for the full week, I know it seems like a lot, but it just seems like a great opportunity to make some friends easily :D
Cheers Luke, are you guys going on a working holiday or just on a jolly as such ??
FWIW, making friends easily in Australia just requires showing up at any hostel. Loads and loads of other people in the same position.
No one will have a bad time with programs like oz intro and ultimate oz, but I personally do consider them a rather big waste of money. (All the things they help you with are really very easy to do yourself.)
No problem Sam, I'm going to be on a working holiday! Hopefully lasting the full two years :D
Hi Sander, I know a lot of the welcome tour type things can be done yourself, but I liked the idea of having a few things taken care of before you arrive, takes some of the worries away for a first time traveller aha :D I doubt it would be something I would do if I went a second time or anything, but for a first timer, it all seems good
No problem Sam, I'm going to be on a working holiday! Hopefully lasting the full two years :D
Hi Sander, I know a lot of the welcome tour type things can be done yourself, but I liked the idea of having a few things taken care of before you arrive, takes some of the worries away for a first time traveller aha :D I doubt it would be something I would do if I went a second time or anything, but for a first timer, it all seems good
I feel the same! Though, i went full out with Ultimate Travel and bought the East Coast package too! I feel like i've messed up a bit with booking Ultimate OZ in July though.. There doesn't seem to be many people going (Looking at the Facebook group for July) which is understandable with July being winter and all... Oh well, Sept looks like a busy time. I hope you enjoy it all!

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