As I am using an iPad for my travel blog I can only upload photos to the blog through Aurigma. Can anyone tell me how I can reduce the file size as the photos are taking far too long to upload (only attempting 4 at a time) and using too much data. The only wifi I can use is through using my phone's hotspot. I am travelling through Northern Australia with no other wifi access. I cannot find anywhere on the Aurigma app where I can do this reduce the file size.
Hi Rosiev- the regular upload form on the main (non-mobile) site should also work on an iPad actually. It uses HTML5 and also should resize the photo prior to uploading, providing you don't tick the box to save a backup on Travellerspoint. Can you give it a try?
Hi Peter
Thanks for your response. I was advised by Travellers Point that when using only an iPad I could only upload photos through Aurigma. They provided me with a link other than the main website to do this and it works - it just takes forever to upload. Once uploaded I can easily reduce the size of the photos in the normal way. This may not appear to be very clear but I cannot find the Travellers Point email with their instructions. I guess I will just have continue what I'm doing but thanks for trying to help me.
Hi Rosiev, that was probably sent by me
And that would have been before the new uploader was created for the main site. The new uploader should handle iPad uploads as well since the more recent versions of iOS have made it possible to upload directly to a website. That was something we weren't able to do with earlier versions of iOS.
Thanks Peter - leaving Mataranka today heading north - will give it a try when next I have 3G access.

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