Visas and planning travel


This site might help with your initial planning ... .. lots of useful info & links. Choose a country & then look at Entry Requirements.


Six months is a long time. Were you planning on working in either country? If so there are work permits required.

For Thailand with a UK passport and plane ticket out of Thailand within 30 days you can enter free. At a Thai airport you get a Visa Exemption stamp in your passport good for 30 days. Over 30 days and no plane ticket out of the country within 30 days you might have a problem leaving your home country airport. Many women do Thailand on their own all the time. You must first work up a budget and know ahead of time how much money you can afford for hotels each night. Thailand -Bangkok, Chiang Mai and a beach area with a final night or two back in Bangkok again works for many people. Local transportation in Thailand is not expensive but remember Thailand is bigger than the UK so some locations can take time overland.

Google can give you help with transportation available. But buses, trains and cheap local airlines are available. For hotel help in Thailand always include a price range and where in Bangkok or particular city. Bangkok is cheaper than some beach areas.

For any country always read up on scams to avoid. On buses and trains I do not leave money and passport in any bag out of sight. Better to keep money and passport in your pocket. Thailand has summertime weather all year long with some seasons more hot, some months more rain and part of the year (Nov. thru Feb.) with less heat and less rain. Close to Christmas hotels will be higher priced.

Pull up the the Thai Embassy website for UK.

Yeah, for the US there are some visa requirements to read over. The US Embassy website may be helpful too.

Sample Google search for visa requirements for USA. Using a computer for research and not a phone works best!

In the US both coasts and top to bottom are serviced by bus routes, often by trains and some discount airlines among big carriers. The US will be more expensive than Thailand.

In the US, northern states, it will be cold and often with possibility of snow during November through early March. Some parts of the southern states can be warmer - milder all year long. The US has some good roads but hotels are not always cheap! (All traffic signs in English of course!) But the crazy Yanks drive on the "wrong" side of the road compared to the UK. ( Cheeky bustards!)

In the US read up on scams to avoid! If lost DO NOT ask directions late at night from groups of guys with sunglasses and hoods just hanging on street corners or in dark doorways! If lost driving stop at a police station or fire station or well lit all night store! Asking dodgy looking random guys for directions late at night just hanging around on street corners does happen by naive (stupid too) tourists! Too much chance of robbery! Take normal precautions you would back home!

Have fun. Take the time for research. You can do both countries on your own without any tour company.

[ 18-Aug-2016, at 06:52 by karazyal ]

Thank you! very much appreciated, i will continue to research!.

Visas and planning travel

Visas and planning travel

Visas and planning travel

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