What to do when travels become boring and lack immersion? :(

Hi all! I'm a graduate student from Croatia and I, as everybody else on this forum, like to travel and explore the world, especially the hidden and the unknown locations.

Sometimes I feel like all the things I can do or see wherever I go are just boring, like I've seen it all. If I go to the seaside during the summer, it's all about swimming, partying with friends and that's it. When I went to some city destinations like London, Vienna or Berlin, it was all about sightseeing, tours, bars and shopping and that was it. Boring again. I mean, I really like to learn about history and local culture, but it's so boring to just listen and see the landmarks. I feel like I want to do, see and learn more when I go somewhere. I want to be active and do local stuff. I always wanted some local to show me real local stuff where I would learn and see how really they live, but I never knew people in other countries and haven't had any links to get to those experiences.

Did you ever felt like the stuff to do where you are going were boring? Did you ever want to immerse in the local community and just explore local life and culture from the stance of doing instead of just listening and seeing?

What to do? Homestay in Cuba .. Volunteer in Zanzibar .. find a foreign girl or boyfriend & go visit .. visit Myanmar .. do some time on any main road in India.

&, then again, boring is not so bad .. Catch 22 says that the more time one is bored, the longer ones life lasts.

Sounds like you need to do some volunteering somewhere maybe? I found this a great way to get to know locals and live a different life as to what I do back home, in the UK.

Have you ever traveled outside of Europe? I found a lot of Europe, after a while, starts getting a bit similar. Sure there are differences between the European countries but not as much as ones in other continents. I found Asia really easy to experience a lot more variety of things and much easier to get in with the locals.

My husband and I travel a lot, and it can be easy to feel that you're just doing basically the same things but in a different place. Equally, once you've seen a great version of something, it can seem that it isn't worth going to see a lesser version. For example, having seen the Igauzu Falls, many other waterfalls can seem a little disappointing. But that doesn't mean that you should never see another one. We choose to go to some, that appear to have something special about them, but not just any old one; we went along to the Kuang Si waterfall in Luang Prabang, and while not nearly as impressive, it was still beautiful.

Similarly with tourist attractions, especially museums and galleries. We pick out the ones that either particularly interest us, are unusual, or are intrinsic to understanding the place. It helps to do a bit of research about the location first, so that you know what aspects of it appeal to your interests.

We do also try to find ways to be more involved with the culture. We often stay with locals, whether a homestay, airbnb or couchsurfing, to both have a chance to have conversations with someone, and to get recommendations for places to go. Couchsurfing also provides opportunities just to meet up with locals, and go out somewhere with them. In bars, we will often sit at the bar, or a larger table, to try to strike up a conversation with someone, which can lead to interesting opportunities. In Japan, we found that people responded really well to our having learned a bit about the nihonshu (sake) and shochu, and led to some great conversations.

We will also look to activities that give you a chance to interact. Ideally, if you are OK with the language, this can be something aimed at locals, but it can still be great, even if it is one aimed at travellers. We've done things like weaving, dancing, helping locals practise their English, etc. Plus we try to go along to things that locals go to, like a beer festival.

I don't see how travel can be boring IF you are seeing/doing things of interest to YOU. If on the other hand, you are letting other people determine what you spend your time on, then yes, that could be boring. It sounds to me like you need to start deciding for yourself how to spend your time, not looking to others including 'locals' to decide for you.

As for immersing yourself in local culture etc. that doesn't happen when you are travelling(moving from place to place). That happens when you are LIVING somewhere for a while. You might want to consider the concept of 'Slow Travel' which basically advocates travel stops of no less than one week in a place and attempting to live life as a resident does, not as a tourist generally does.


Have you visited Asia? If not, do visit the place. You can a variety of landscapes, culture, people and locales. A trip to Asia would definitely give you a wider perspective about the world.

When travels become boring, you should start meditation, it will help to give you self satisfaction.

[ 19-Aug-2016, at 00:41 by Ishadsouza ]

My Suggestion go out of your place go to Movies , Shopping , Rome on roads this my experience when my trip was bore i follow this things

What to do when travels become boring and lack immersion? :(

What to do when travels become boring and lack immersion? :(

What to do when travels become boring and lack immersion? :(

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