Hello/Interrailing in Europe

My names Jonny, I'm from England and I've just signed up here, was after a bit of help and knowledge from you guys hopefully(:
Basically me and my girlfriend Emma (who will also be using this account) plan on seeing alot of Europe this summer and hopefully travelling for 3 weeks to a month through Europe using the rail systems there. There seems to be so much we need to figure out before we do it though so here goes;
1. How likely is it to be able to find somewhere to camp or sleep for free a couple of nights per week to save on accommodation?
2. How much money have people taken for that amount of time to cover living costs and hostels etc?
3. Ideally I was thinking France, Spain, back to France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands then back to UK. that seems like alot of ground to cover in that time frame, is that possible or is it too much for three weeks - one month?
4. Can the interrail tickets be used within England or would we have to fly to France and Ferry back from Holland?

I think that's all for now, I'll probably pop up with more questions as i get thinking more haha. But yeah, any help you guys can give us would be hugely appreciated! So thank you in advance.

It could be done, but I'd personally cut it down to two countries myself and have a good look around them. You'd have more than enough to see in France or Spain alone. What's more, you'd save a lot of money by not moving around so much.

I thought that might be the case, because I'd still want to see a fair amount in each country. So if we were to just keep it to France and Spain what route would be best? Maybe down the west coast, into Spain, loop around then back up through France back to UK?

1. possible, many people do this, they bring a tent and camping gear for this purpose But the better solution is IMO to sleep on the train, especially if you have a global unlimited pass.

2. Expect something in the neighborhood of around 40-50 pounds per day and person on top of the cost for transport if you stay in hostels.

3-4. With a 3 week global Interrail pass I would end or start the trip in a big city with good and cheap flight connections to the UK. Say your Interrail ticket starts on August 1st, I would then fly to Paris on July 25th, stay there for a week, then start interrailing through France and Spain for 3 weeks and end up in Barcelona or one of the other cheap airports in Spain. I would then stay there for another few days and then fly home from there. This way you'll be able to maximise your time with the Interrail pass.

The interrail pass is not valid in your own country and unlike other countries the UK doesn't give any dicounts to pass holders. Depending on where you are in the UK it can thus be cheaper to fly or take the Eurolines bus to the start and end points of your trip.

Note that instead of looking at the global pass for 1 month it can also make sense to use a combination of point-to-point train and bus tickets instead. The bus network is a lot larger in Spain than the train network, take this into account.

[ 08-Apr-2011, at 23:16 ]

1. You hang up your camp/tent anywhere. But do keep it away from busy areas.
2. regarding financial efforts, keep a good amount of money as you never what kind of problem will be there.
3. It's better to go for short trips as it will help you to gain some knowledge about that country...
4. Interrail tickets are invalid. So this can also be a worry for you.

Have a safe journey...

Ankit Jha

I thought that might be the case, because I'd still want to see a fair amount in each country. So if we were to just keep it to France and Spain what route would be best? Maybe down the west coast, into Spain, loop around then back up through France back to UK?

Can't speak much for France (only really been to Paris), but in Spain these were the places we visited on our 3 week trip several years back - , , , and . All were fantastic. All travel was done by train. My main regret is not visiting .

Just reading this post, can I check.....what do you mean Ankit Jha 4. Interrail tickets are invalid. So this can also be a worry for you
Thanks, Suzanne

Hi again, sorry I've not been very immediate with replying. Pretty busy with uni! This is really helpful though guys thank you so much!
Another main thing I'd like to know more about is about the booking of trains/seats. How do you actually go about doing this? Say we were to fly into Paris, is it just a case of getting to the station and booking a train to the next city on a certain date? Or can you just walk onto the train on the day you want to travel and pay for seats?
Also when it comes to hostels/hotels or campsites what level of booking is needed for that? I'm assuming alot of it depends on the place itself but is it necessary to book a couple of days in advance?
Thank you again for your help, you guys are awesome!(:

Hi Jonny

Have you thought of going to Poland? I think this could be fun Everything is quite cheap there It doesn't have Euro as a currency which makes it very attracitve If you come to Poland, visit Krakow- a very unique place A lot of to see- castles, museums, great clubs

Hello/Interrailing in Europe

Hello/Interrailing in Europe

Hello/Interrailing in Europe

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