Hi there,
Hi Dan,
You can't travel thru Myanmar to South East Asia as the country has no land border crossings with its neighbours India and Thailand.
However, it is possible to travel thru Nepal and with a guided tour over to the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in China. From there, you can make your way to Quinghai, down to Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. From Yunnan, you can enter Laos (or Vietnam).
It is an adventurous and amazing route. However, before you travel - best is to do some search on actual visa policy of China and whether it is possible to travel with a guided group to TAR and onwards.
And of course, it can be done only between late June to end of September.
Other longer overland alternative is to travel thru Pakistan up to Xinjiang province in China and make your way west and later down south to Yunnan province again.
This would also be a beautiful journey. You will need to check situation in Pakistan, with special regards to travelling along Karakouram highway, and of course you need to get visa for Pakistan and China (which is always a bit more challenging from India, given its relations to its neighbours). Again, this option is possible only in the summer season.
In my opinion, any of these routes will offer you ultimate adventure, experience and will take you thru some of the most amazing roads in the world.
There is no shorter overland option. However, if you decide to fly: there are a lot of cheap and good connections between India and Bangkok/Kuala Lumpur.
Let me know if you decide to take any of the overland options, I will try to give you some more insights and tips.
Hi dan, when are you looking at doing this? It sounds awesome
I thought there is a border crossing from Thailand to Myanmar. I have been to Tachiliek, from the North of Thailand. And back then, people can also enter Myanmar on the southern part of Thailand.
I guess things are always changing.
This might help. It seems you can enter Myanmar from China and exit into Thailand. I would contact them and make sure you can do your proposed trip overland. Good luck.
That is great news that Myanmar is opening their land borders gradually. Before, entry from China was specifically allowed for Chinese visitors only in form of an organized tour group.
Crossing land borders with Thailand were limited to only a few ten kilometers from the border. It seems from the website that application is still a lengthy process and requires border control permit on top of visa. It is still possible that these crossings are allowed only in form of an organized tour.
Flying in/out and travelling inland freely has been possible for a long time, only border areas were/are problematic.
Crossing from India into Myanmar has two obstacles:
- the two countries have bad relationship so border crossing has not been possible for decades, and
- far north/east of India is still a turbulent region, most states require travel permits and occasionally can be risky too due to gerilla activities (especially areas near Myanmar).
hi kichikacha. thanks for the replys. both routes sound amazing. i'm leaning towards the first route you mentioned, through the TAR. ill definitely be doing some research on that! i really do appreciate the info you've shared. thanks a lot!
hi helen. ive no date planned (although it could be between June and September!) just letting my bank balance rise until ive got enough information and a pretty solid(ish) route sorted. so it could take a while!
hi swept away. you are right about the thai/myanmar border...also, about things always changing. all the best.
hi vegasmike6. that link is great, need i say more! many thanks
thanks to you all for taking the time to reply. any more info is welcomed.
take it easy everyone!

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