hey, im flying out to aus at the end of september and am planning to be in sydney for xmas and new year and stay at wake up. just wondering if any1 knows if you book through there website if you have to pay full or a deposit can be placed untill nearer the time? thanx for any help
Hi I booked my room today. U need to pay the whole amount upfront and it's non-refundable! Hoping it's good!! Maybe see u there!
I'm doing the same as you!! Hoping to book mine this week! If you look on hostel bookers/world (can't remember) one of them I think you cam just pay 10% x
Both hb/hw and Travellerspoint let you book and just pay the deposit. Given it's Xmas and all though, I wouldn't be surprised if the Sydney properties have some extra measures innplace to avoid late cancellations.
ive booked in for 21 nights over xmas
Hey i'm not sur eon the deposit front but having stayed at wake up myself i can vouch for it and say its an AWESOME hostel!!
I'm booked 23rd to the 2nd!! Hopefully will see sone of you there xx
Hi... I'm flying into carins november plan to travel down the east coast and hit sydney for new years, where I'm also booked into wake up Booked through hostelbookers, they just asked for a 10% deposit... =)
Okay just so you all know ... the kitchen @ Wake Up and the dorm... are sooooooo small. That's how they can cram about 400 people in that hostel. If you want more space you should cross the street to YHA Rail or go around the corner to YHA Central or 720 on George St. These are cheaper, roomier and well just all around better for meeting people because they are not ginormous.
Hey I'm going to be in Sydney from beginning of December! Trying to find other people that are going to be doing the same. 19 female from South Yorkshire! x x

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