I'm traveling from Rome to Bucharest in July for some volunteer work, what is the best way to go by rail, and how much will it cost me? The least expensive way, I'm a student.
You can search for trains and prices here on the - all of Europe
[ 05-Apr-2011, at 20:51 by Daawgon ]
If you know the dates when you have to travel the least expensive way is to use low cost airlines, like (tickets for Rome-Bucharest in July start around €30) or (from about €40).
By train with regular tickets it would cost well over €100.
[ 06-Apr-2011, at 07:55 by rmm ]
Given that there are a lot of Romanians working in Italy, there are plenty options to get to Bucharest.
- Train: this will be the most expensive way.
- Flying: this is probably still the best option, although you will have to read the small print as there are a lot of extra fees, especially on wizzair. Beside the previously mentioned airlines, you can also check out Carpatair.
- Buses: this will surely be the cheapest, especially if you have a lot of luggage. However, you will have to consider that conditions on these buses are very rough (especially if it is not eurolines or other reputable company), not even mentioning reliability and the long journey.

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