im planing go to thailand for a month or so...iv been dere before n cant wait to be bak...im planning to stay in bangkok for sumtime den visit chiang mai n pattaya may be if im lucky phuket n koh samui..da last time i was dere had a fantastic trip but da only thing missing was a gud company around..i stayed for almost a whole month visit almost every famous place in bangkok n pattaya alone..da biggest problem wid me is dat im quite used to a habit of having friends around me all da time n i hate to eat alone..well if any1 cuming around by dat time may be we can hook up n travel together...im outgoing n friendly,luv to party n luv nature..im 26male
Hey there,
I'm going with a friend of mine to Thailand in the end of Jun till mid of July and we would like more people to share the time with.
Please contact me if you are still interested.

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