Planning to travel to OZ for around 6 months and NEED HELP!

Hey everyone. I am planning to head out to Australia in January. I am trying to start planning my trip now and I am curious as to how much money I need to arrive with. Is it easy to find work? Is the pay enough to cover your expenses while there? I have never done any traveling like this and I will be going it alone so I want to be as prepared as possible before I leave. Thanks in advance for all your help!!!

Hey I'm also planning a trip to oz around the same time, just started saving planning on staying for a year possible more if i can get some fruit picking work. I'm planning on taking 6 or 7 k with me but try to find work wherever i can. I only plan on planning out the first week or two from here then just see what happens from there on.

Nice, where are you planning on flying into? Where are you from? Do you know if its possible to get open ended return tickets? I have so many questions. I also am only going to plan out the first part of the trip and than just see who I meet and where they're going but I really wanna be fully financially prepared when I get there.

What should be the budget for a family of four in two weeks

My family is planning a visit in next few months

Any idea to share


There are some very long famous train rides all across Australia such as the Gahn & India Pacific. If you search the company who runs the service then you can get deals on 6 month unlimited tickets. As long as you take absolute budget class on everything, you can inexpensively travel almost all of Australia.

Ok so I only signed up for this today so please cut me some slack with my responses.

I live in Queensland which is basically known as the "sunshine state" of Australia. YES we had some floods and cyclones but April through November we are amazing.

Anything I put on here is me giving information to the best of my ability.

ok so

As far as I know, Getting employment in australia is pretty difficult. I have worked in retail for a number of years in 4 different stores and not one of them hired anyone who wasn't an Australian or New Zealand Citizen.

It might be worth checking out some of our australian employment websites such as for those looking for employment.

Otherwise seasonal employment is the way to go. If you are coming around the end of the year be sure to apply for christmas positions as early as september(I know that sounds silly but everyone has hired by October for training in early November.)

Pubs and Clubs are a more likely source of employment year round but in Australia we have certain restrictions on the types of qualifications/certificate stuff people need to work in said establishments. Its called a RSA or responsible service of alcohol certificate that I believe you can do online for about $100 - $150AUD but there are a few places that to an in person course for less than $100 its usually a full day of "study"/learning but it seams to be worth it/ you wont get hired without one.

I have a family member (UK and NZ dual citizenship) who has recently done some backpacking around australia and has said it tends to be on the expensive side. Accommodation tends to be fairly expensive for dorm style hostels compared to europe etc so be prepared for $18-$50AUD a night.

one piece of advice I do have is spring the extra yet small amount per night to stay close to the CBD of the city in which you are staying in. Paying an extra $5 a night might not seem like a good idea when booking but paying up to a possible $10 a day in travel costs getting to and from your accommodation is worse.

Ok so personal advice

Brooksy04. Depending on the work you get yes some types will definitely cover your expenses. You want to be coming over with savings enough to support you for at least a month maybe even two if you can afford it. This way you can look for work and don't have to panic about a job the first week you turn up.

Wenson, without knowing where you are coming from or going to I would have to say depending on the style of accommodation you want (hotel/motel/campsite) you need to be looking at around say 200-300 a night for a family of 4(assuming you have younger children) for the upper/mid level accommodation. Look at some bulk booking hotel websites like they usually have rooms going for a bit less than booking directly with the hotel, and they do flights which might also help you.

Hamilton Island and the Whitsunday's are nice pretty much year round but september or august are usually best. If you want a beach holiday that is.

Otherwise Melbourne and Sydney are pretty good tourist areas.
Brisbane Adelaide Darwin and Perth are a bit residential.... for tourists to find interesting (sorry if you aren't a tourist just going off assumptions here)

Anyway I hope that was enough of a start for you all.
And I do apologise for the website postings they aren't meant to be of a promotional nature just a help for you.

hi i just posted on another thread but thought i would add my two bobs worth here.

Firstly i would say come out as cashed up as possible. I have had no problems finding work out here but what i didnt expect was how much fun i would have going out, especially when i landed in sydney. i spent a fair bit rather quickly.

As i mentioned on the other thread, my mate & I came out with Ultimate Oz which is an arrival package and i thought it was brilliant. They organised all our working holiday visa, bank accounts, tax file number, set us up at a hostel for the first few nights. ALl of it was awesome and we did surfing lessons & had a great time as i said going out. But it was good as we met loads of people so didnt have that feeling of being homesick at all.

Once you get here i would recommened getting into a shared house as soon as you can too...some are a bit dodgy but i have been in two now and have had the best times.

Good luck -marky

I was planning to arrive with around 6500 USD so I know I will have enough to get me through a few months but I would like to be able to do a lot while I am there so I definitely plan on getting work while I'm there. I looked at Ultimate OZ myself and most of the programs I have seen like this seem to be a bit of a rip off but what you get with Ultimate OZ, it looks like it may be something to consider for sure.

Markymark, what kind of work have you been able to get mostly? I am not picky at all and am willing to do whatever but I'm just curious about the most common jobs. Fruit picking appears to be very common although if in some of the bigger cities, I imagine it is not typical. Also, what are you paying for a shared house and how long is the typical stay?

Thanks everyone!!!

Travel can get quite expensive but there are some things you can do to save your money. One of the ways I try to be careful is with travel. Try to look at all you options and find the best deal you can.

I personally use relocation cars or campervans whenever possible (especially the campervans as I get somewhere to sleep!). They are really cheap and often come with free petrol and insurance although they are only for short term periods.

You can find rental companies with relocation cars pretty much everywhere although they don't try to advertise them too much. -snip-

Good luck!

Planning to travel to OZ for around 6 months and NEED HELP!

Planning to travel to OZ for around 6 months and NEED HELP!

Planning to travel to OZ for around 6 months and NEED HELP!

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