Im going to be travelling round Thailand Laos and Vietnam in the summer with my homeboys.
Hi Packerman,
Just had my injections all i had to get was:
Hep A & B
and then if you want to Malaria Tablets.
And my friend was exactly the same and she is a different doctors surgery to me!
Doctors will try and make as MUCH money as poss from you!! So i think your covered with your injections already
Might bump into you while your there!!
Have Fun
haha thanks kirsty makes me feel a bit better. enjoy yout trip
Yep I got most of them, except Diphtheria, Tuberculosis & Typhoid. Cost me nearly 500.00 UK big ones. I think it's just better to bite the bullet & pay. or else you may catch rabies & die.
Have fun
£500 I hope its not going to be that much ive not budgeted for that! Ive been told around £100 for them as you get some free on the NHS anyone else got experiences of vaccinations and costs?
500's about right, i got them priced today at the doctors the japanese one alone was 140
Hey, dont take what your doctor says as bible!! They want your money remember :-) have a look into each injection see if you really need it!! As i think the japanese one is only really a worry if your going to be in farmland!! Double check just so you dont waste your hard earned cash!! :-) kirsty x
I was advised that Typhoid, Hep A, Diptheria and a tetanus booster (if you need one) are the crucial ones. Most travellers I spoke to in South East Asia didn't bother having the rabies or Japanese Encephalitis jabs. If you get bitten by a rabid animal you still need to seek urgent medical attention even if you have been vaccinated; they just buy you a little more time to get to a hospital, which is useful if you are going to be travelling in remote areas. I was told that Encaphalitis is only really a worry if you are going to be spending a prolonged amount of time in rural areas.
I'd recommend speaking to a travel doctor rather than a GP; travel doctors have up to date and accurate information, whereas a GP will tend to give you rather general advice and you may end up getting more jabs than you need, or malaria tablets when you don't need them.
Hi Packerman,
I agree with bex76.
Just one more thing: they usually recommend cholera because it will give your stomach some protection against diarrhea and other upsets up to 3 months. However, Thailand is not particularly a place where you have to worry that much.
Have fun in thailand!
Hey Packerman,
As Kirsty said (im her friend lol) i got the same as her and im a diff surgery!
I had already had the ones you get at school, havent had the Japanese one though but dont think we'll need that one.
I had to pay for my Hep B in jections, 3rd one coming soon, will cost me 140.00 in total! boo hoo!
Have a fab trip!
Kim x

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