Hi just wondering if anyone knows roughly how much it will cost to travel the east coast? I arrive in Oct and after my OzIntro week i want to travel the East Coast for November and be back in Sydney for 19th Dec as im booked into Wake Up for 2 weeks. So far a rough look ive come up with the following figures, do these look reasonable?...?
Hey Lucy, i did the east coast Cairns to Melbourne in 08 and my expenditure was just short of £3000 so looks like your maths are pretty spot on, i also did the fraser island and sailed the whitsundays. You will love fraser, totally breathtaking.
Hope you enjoy and that i've helped somehow
Hey Lucy! I hope you're well.
I'm landing in Cairns on 29th November and am going to travel down the east coast before I get to Sydney on 23rd December as I've booked into the wake up too.
I hope you're costs are spot on as I'e got a 3.5k budget for my trips etc etc.
I'm cutting it very fine with only just over 3 weeks to travel from Cairns to Sydney I know but I'll prob head back up there after new year to see anything I've missed.
Would be good to hear what you've got planned?
Hey Gavin-D,
Thanks for your comment. good to know that my maths seems pretty accurate. I was kind of hoping that i may be out and i can do it way cheaper than that as that will only leave me with about £2k left to live on whilst i do my 3 month harvest work oh well im sure i'll be fine! oh what was Melbourne like??
Hey Hosks79,
Im sure you'll have a great time! I've just come back from Aus I travelled all over but I was doing a Contiki trip so im new to backpacking which is what ill be doing this time. I have my first week with OzIntro in Sydney then i want to do the east coast for a month to revisit some of the places i saw last time that i loved. Then back to Sydney for new years etc then i would like to get my 3 month harvest work done so i can stay for my second year. Then i guess ill need to work a bit and save up then carry on the travelling around. After my 2 years in Oz im looking at going to Thailand and Bali for a month then 2 years in New Zealand. What about you?
Well Lucy, being Scottish i was quite fond of a drink or two most nights, so if you can keep a handle on the alcohol i'm sure you can shave money off that way. Keep costs down wherever you can ie cheap bulk foods from supermarkets. you could also do a few hrs a day in a hostel for free bed!! Melbourne was pretty col, lots to do and see and very busy but i much preferred sydney.
Hey lucy... I reckon your costings sound about rite unfortunately.. Lol.. Will be my first time there also.. Will be landing in Carins beg of nov sometime then gonna travel down the east coast be greyhound probs... Will hit sydney for new years.. Where I'm also booked into wake up... I'm hoping to take a little off my costings by swapping work for accommodation here and there..!! Are you flying straight over to oz from the uk or are you travelling elsewhere first???? =)
Hi Jsteevey,
Yea I'll be travelling straight to Sydney, after my first year i might go to Thailand before enbarking on my second year in Aus. Wish i had booked to go to Thailand on my way to Aus now though but oh well.
Oh thats a good idea, i may see about doing a couple of shifts in hostels in return for accomodation.

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