Hi guys
Hi there,
Great goal and not amateurish at all
Until I was 24 and finish university I hadn't visited even 20 countries, but catched up a lot during the last 10 years, combining work and quite a few weeks of holiday a year. Don't worry and be patient.
Nothing wrong with goals, but I am less focused on visiting new countries now then I was before and rather want to visit other parts of countries that I have been to. Going back to the USA later this week, after visiting last year. Great country!
Have fun, wherever you are and whatever you do
O, enough info in my profile about me, photos, trips and a bit of blogs....not much of a blogger myself, but the Pitcairn one is nice if I do say so myself
It's nice to have such aims, and adding a new country to your list is also sometimes a victory for yourself :P
By the time I was 21 I've been in 21 countries, so I'd match your aim . Still 21 now btw. But included in this list is also Vatican city, don't know if it really counts as a 'country' , otherwise it'd be 20, which is still quite an amount of countries, and I quite consider myself lucky that my parents didn't have the idea of going to France or so each following year, but went to a different country every other year.
Still lots of countries to see
Thanks for the reassurance guys
At somepoint I will want to go back and visit the countries I've already been to in further detail but until then I guess I'm trying to see as many different cultures and whatnot!
Neeke.. I'm pretty sure Vatican City does count
My goal is all 7 continents by the time I'm 30. I have about 2 more years, but I'm thinking ... I will have to wait on Antarctica.
I am from N. america, so not counting my home, I had been to Bahamas, Haiti, Puerto Rico (which is only considered part of the US, by the puerto ricans, not mainlanders), US Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, and Spain. So .. 6 countries by the time I was 21, and then Berlin, Holland, France, and Italy by the time I was 22. I have pinned a ton of places on tripadvisor and it says I've been to 32 countries, and I will be 28 in a month. Oh and that is 4 continents, leaving out S. America, Africa, and Antarctica. It sounds like you have been bitten by the travel bug, so keep saving and keep traveling. If you read this, message me with your blog info, because the mods deleted that. So rude!!
And Vaticano!! I say doesn't count, but technically, it's not part of Rome, Italy.
Just had a quick look at your blog and it is great! I took me until two years ago and 29 to catch the travel bug, but I am trying to make up for lost time now.
Keep up the good work :-) xx
This world is so big and there is so much to see and explore in each and every country. So I guess if one travel even for his full life, then also there can be lot of spots that he may have missed out
I started my travelling experiences from the age of 6 months old. My father is from Iran so we went to visit family and had to stop via Russia, spending the night in Moscow where apparantly my mum had now in an all in one snow suit, thinking it may be cold and it ended up being the height of summer and very hot... or so my parents say.
If you include stop overs in airports I had visited 16 places by the time I was 21, some of those places on several occasions. I think you should definitely aim high, 21 places is a nice number to aim for.
There's plenty more I wish to see.
Tikilou. x

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