Europe in winter? good idea or should i wait until spring?

Hi, I am looking to move to the UK and Europe in August. I would be working at a trade show when I get there until end of September, then I'd be free to travel around. I don't have a lot of money saved saved so I am worried I will spend what I have during the winter and not have enough to last by the time it's warming up in spring and summer.

I think Europe is quite nice in winter. In some countries like Poland there is a lot of snow which is really charming especially during Christmas time I love being in Krakow in winter! There can be some problems with transport but once you reach your destination everything is OK I don't know why but I'm partial to Poland, especially Krakow. There is something unique and special in this place

I agree. I just did 3 weeks in Jan. last year. There are tons less people .. so crowds, don't exist as they do in the summer, which is nice. However, some things may be closed in the winter. If you are partial to the cold, then I doesn't matter. I am from Florida and need it to be hot all the time!! I was tired from the cold in Europe, but if you can handle it and have a good coat, why not?

thanks guys. yeah can't wait to check out poland. I'm from christchurch originally so used the cold, but then it's more what time of year will give me the most fun and way to see everything at it's best. still undecided what I'll do..

just talked to a good friend of mine yesterday who went to the uk in dec and travelled for 9months, he thought it wasn't a good idea to go in winter not just because of the cold but the other weather like wind, overcast days and rain. He said he kind of wished he had waited unitl spring.

if anyone else has travelled in winter and can say what it was like that would be super helpful.

[ 15-Apr-2011, at 17:41 by nick_nz ]

I would definitely not recommend to travel around Europe in winter. It' s simply not very nice and comfortable with the weather. Sure, if you should get snow, then things can look nice (still after walking around a couple of hours you'll be freezing and in no mood to walk around more), but most of the time at least in Western Europe you won' t have snow but just grey, rainy, cold weather which simply is not very cool to have for city trips. Cities like Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam just completely seem to change as of April when they turn green and people come out to the parks and street cafés come to life again.
I would not travel between November and beginning of March, or preferably even April, except for things like weekedntrip to Christmas markets.

In the 3 weeks I traveled .. it was grey, but maybe I lucked out. It did not rain, but once in London, for 2 mins before it turned to snow.

Thats kindof what I wasn't sure about.. Thanks for feedback. What are places like turkey and Croatia like during the winter? Are they much better?

I really want to spend a lot of time in Italy and Spain too. Maybe a shorter trip is best to start off in autumn, then return to do more travelling in march.


I think if you travel in winter you should get warm clothes and enjoy snow and christmas markets :-) So just the suitable clothes will make your trip perfect! I love poland, germany, hungary, czech in winter, yes it is freezing cold but the atmosphere is like a fairytale....

Europe in winter? good idea or should i wait until spring?

Europe in winter? good idea or should i wait until spring?

Europe in winter? good idea or should i wait until spring?

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