language school in Central America

I am looking to spend a couple months in central america starting the first week of june. What I am planning is to fly into Guatemala city and make my way down to fly out of costa rica around the 1st week of august i would like to spend 2-3 weeks at a language school to work on my spanish. Ideally i would like a beach town or at least somewhere near a beach, a decent social scene (i dont plan on ragin it every night but I LOVE reggae music and dancing), and some place that isnt too rural so that i may take a weekend trip here and there. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time!!


Spanish with reggae?

- lacks of beaches you are longing for, however
- Antigua and Lake Atitlan are travellers' hubs and one of the popular places to study spanish in central america

- most people go to Roatan island, i guess it is possible to take onto language courses, although that's not what it is famous for

- Granada is a cultural center at lago nicaragua, good option to study spanish
- San Juan del Sur: near Granada, surfer/party/beach - i am sure you will find courses in spanish too

Costa Rica: choose east or west coasts according to season
- there are many beaches in CR, i have been to one one the east coast called Puerto Viejo that had a reggae vibe and offers spanish courses too.

You can also consider going over to Panama's Bocas del Toro, since it is very close to Costa Rica border.

Sunshine and happiness!

language school in Central America

language school in Central America

language school in Central America

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