Order of entries

I have just joined and created my first blog. The blog covers my trip to Italy, Switzerland and France in 1999 and is broken up into 10 entries starting in Bahrain and then going on to the various countries I visited. I copied each entry from my complete travel journeys compiled in Word. What I find when I look at the draft is that the entries are not in the correct order even though I have included the dates applying to each entry. How do I obtain the correct sequence?

The field that we use for sorting on the blog is the "Posting Time" of each entry. You can adjust that and it should order your entries accordingly.

Thanks Peter. I managed to correct the order of my entries, however each time I open an entry the date of posting is changed to the current time. For example, if I wete to edit the fourth entry only, when I saved it it would become the first entry and I would have to open all the entries in reverse order to get the right sequence (if you follow me). Would deselecting the "Save as Draft while typing" overcome this problem somehow? If so, can I have the check in the box off by default? I have images to upload but I don't want to do any editing until I know how to maintain the correct sequence.

Ah, that will be because they are drafts and it's automatically set to update the date to the current time if it's not published yet. Actually, I'm not sure I want to change that behaviour because that is how we'd want it most of the time.

If there is no reason not too, I'd suggest publishing the entries. The date should stick if you then go back in to edit those entries. If it doesn't then that would be a bug!

I managed to get the entries in the correct order then published them. What I then found was just as confusing! The Table of Contents is out of order and when I click Main Page the entries are in a different order to the Table of Contents. The first two entries are OK but the third entry should be the last! I know it's not possible but it would be handy to be able to drag and drop entries to put them in their right place. I must be missing something very basic to have encountered this problem. Is there a simple way to ensure that the published entries are in the correct order?

PS In Settings I have now changed the order of blog entries from Newest First to Oldest First.

Well, there could be a bug there of course. Could you make those posting times match the original dates? That might make it easier to see. On the Table of Contents they are all shown as 12.04.2011 now. It won't do any harm to make those all 1999 dates. Then I can see clearly what is and isn't out of order on your blog

I've changed all the entries to 1999 dates as you suggested. In settings, should Order of Blog Entries be Newest First or Oldest first in order to get the first entry at the begining rather than the end?

"Oldest First" would be how you get them showing in chronological order. You had that right before.

The entries look like they are in the right order now. One thing that might be confusing is that the 'latest entries' on the right doesn't follow the entry dates. It's actually technically more correct this way (latest entries indicates the order they are entered in), but I doubt anyone actually would mind that changing to match the order of the actual entries?

Order of entries

Order of entries

Order of entries

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