In the side navigation bar where you are able to add links that you like, I see that there is an option to add a image to the links.
I've tried to upload an image and used several different sites to upload the image to and use that link. But none of them work? What is the ideal way to do is?
Any image anywhere on the internet should work, as far as I know. Just be certain to put in the full URL to the actual image (not the page it's hosted on), including the "http://" bit. (Easiest way to get that URL is to right-click on the image and select "Copy image location", or whatever your browser's equivalent is...)
On your blog, I see you have an image for the national geographic on a sidebar link, and that that works. Do you not see that working yourself, or did you get that to work since you posted this thread?
Btw, currently image links in the sidebar will have a red border, which might look ugly. You can remove that border by going to "Template" -> "customize your template" in your blog management area, and then adding the following line to the stylesheet which shows:
#bloglinks a img { border: 0; }
[ 28-May-2011, at 09:02 by Sander ]
Hi, thanks, I got the National Geographic Link to work after I posted this.
But I still have a problem with the other website who's link I posted. I want to put the logo of the site, which doesn't come up in google, as it isn't as famous a brand as say NG. Is it possible to host an image somewhere and use that url for the image you want to use?
Yes, you can upload the image to anywhere (I'd suggest just here on travellerspoint), and then use the URL of that.
(Actually, I'd recommend doing the same with the national geographic logo, so that you have "control" over the image location. If you're hotlinking it from some other website, you're costing them bandwidth fees, and they could change the image location without any notice, 'breaking' the look of your blog.)
[ 28-May-2011, at 09:10 by Sander ]

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