have a WHV for OZ and staring in Sydney, in June, not yet got a travel guide book yet. Not sure whether to go for lonley planet or rough guide - just Sydney or general Australia? any advice ???
Quite a hard thing to give advice on; it depends on which writing style and way to organize information you prefer. Personally I always go for lonely planets, but I know other people who can't stand them.
I'd definitely go for a guide for all of Australia, though. Chances are you'll want to see a fair bit of the country during your time there, and it's good to be able to leaf through a guide and get your mind working on possible ways to string itineraries together and where all else you'd like to visit.
Hey there
I always go with Lonely Planet - recommended by a mate of mine whose travelled loads.
There easy to use and very handy.
Hope it helps
Thanks guys yea think im gonna go for Lonely Planet - all Australia

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