Hi im 23 yrs old, just finished uni in Plymouth and I'm planning to fly to Melbourne then travel up to Cairns taying in Hostels and seeing the main parts. I have never been anywhere on my own, so very nervous! if anyone is doing something similar or are interested in travelling with me let me know.
Hi Alice,
Thought I should drop you a message as I'm going to Melbourne too....I was initially looking at going in October but could be a little before or afterwards, I'm 27 and have travelled before but I've always been with people and although I know it's the easiest EVER to meet people whilst travelling I am still a little apprehensive because this time I'm alone!
Anyway drop me a message if you like, I'm going to start looking into things i.e. whether to book hostels before I arrive or not
Hi Alice and Lee
I am 24 and I have just booked my flights. I arrive in Melbourne on the 24th Oct and am planning on travelling up the East Coast to Cairns. I am hoping to spend Christmas and New Year in Sydney. This is the first time I have done anything like this and I am also a little nervous!
I am also going to start looking into hostels and travel and try to get some things arranged.
Katie x
Hi, If you both have a Facebook account could be worth adding or mailing with plans and tips etc? I'm new to this site but it seems pretty useful
Hi lee , alice and katie ,
im katie and am thinking of travelling to oz around september time , havnt planned anythink yet , wouldnt mind meetign a few people who are going so mabey fly out 2gether and travell a bti with them so if any of you do have facebook will you give me your adss so we can talk on there kinda easyer and we can see who we are lol
I am on facebook - my name is Katie Black - not sure how you will get on searching for my name, but I studied at Edinburgh University so that may make it easier! It would be good to arrange to meet up and do some travelling. I fly to Melbourne on the 24th October.
This is good, we have a few of us on this thread now, surely we can gather loads of info and advice for one another on the travel front. My date of flying is yet to be confirmed but hopefully booking in the next week or so. To add me on Facebook search for lee Gould and current city or town is ormskirk
This is really cool, looks like theres quite a few of us that want to go around the same time! I am planning on booking my flights at the end of the month.
My facebook is Alice Evans - I studied at Plymouth Uni and my location will be plymouth, but I would prefer just to speak about it via private messages as things very difficult in my relationship and my other half doesnt want me to go to Oz!!!
Alice x
Hey, im travelling to sydney on sept 24th, got my 12 month working visa so will be out there for a long time! What you guys planning on doing when you arrive? where you planning on going and how long you thinking of staying out there for?

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