Best Countries In Europe?

Hey everyone. Will be hitting Europe for sure next year during my RTW trip as it is the continent that I am most excited about. Due to the fact that I want to get a taste of the other continents of the world, I am going to have to cut way down on the countries I wanted to visit in Europe (for this trip anyway ). Right now my definite spots look to be something along the lines of this: Germany, Italy, Ireland, Scotland. Looooove good food and castles.

Try to visit Portugal. It could be a great surprise! With low cost Ryannair you can visit Porto and the north of the country or Faro and the south. With Easy Jet you can go to Lisboa and visit the center.

@Duarte: Cool. Gotten a good few hits on Portugal from peeps. Ryannair and Easy Jet seem to be very popular choices for Europe. Appreciate the advice!

Can I ask what time of year you are going? That will help us give advice as some places are more pleasant at various times of the year.

@morro: Hey. It's still tentative until I can figure the most practical route to figure all of my destinations in. At the moment it looks like it will be Sep - Dec. Wanted to be there in warmer months but you just can't collaborate the perfect arrival for all destinations - especially with me moving across so many continents.

I want to get a taste of the other continents of the world, I am going to have to cut way down on the countries. What countries do you feel I should consider and why - and do you have anything I should hear about the ones I've already selected?

If you're internet savvy, get cheap flights all over the continent and visit Dublin, Glasgow, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Athens, not to mention Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna, etc.
Ryan Air, Easy Jet and/or Air Berlin can get you from one place to another at rock bottom prices. If you spend 2 days in either spot, you'll be on the way (air?) for at least 3 weeks. For food you can try Paris or Rome or Madrid, but in all places you'll find plenty of succulent local fare. Don't over-eat and miss your next flight!


Rural Spain & Portugal are fantastic - If your more into cultural cities - Salzburg in Austria & Prague in the Czech Rep are Fantastic as well as Krakow in Poland <

If you love castles your my kind of person > Spain has more Castles than anywhere else in Europe so you would love it << and very few are touristy <

Cities you should definitely not miss in Europe are Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Barcelona, Florence, Venice, Prague and Berlin.

Other nice cities that are worth a visit if you have the time are Vienna, Budapest, Copenhagen, Athens and Krakow.

Then it depends a lot whether you prefer to go to touristic or more remote places. All the cities I mentioned are main cities highly inhabited and visited by tourists/travellers. So if you want to find some calm and peaceful places you should try to run away from the cities and explore the fantastic european nature, such as:

the Alps (Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria)
the Plitvice Lakes National Park and the Dalmatian coast with its islands (Croatia)
the Greek Islands
Castles (I personally think that the UK, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France and Germany have the most beautiful castles in Europe)
beaches (Portugal, Spain and islands, south of France, Italy, Greece)
the fjords (Norway, Sweden, Iceland)

hope you enjoy our Europe

Best Countries In Europe?

Best Countries In Europe?

Best Countries In Europe?

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