Can anyone help, Im in the process of writing out y Australian CV and have few questions
Hi there -
1. I think either is fine, but would probably use the full spelling of Curriculum Vitae as a heading if that's your option.
2. I would probably dispense with an address and just put in your mobile number, email addy and any other appropriate contact IDs - e.g. Skype or FaceTime
3. Rule of thumb would be no more than 3 pages. But depends on how much experience you have, what jobs you're applying for, etc. Concise is good!
Hope that helps,
Thanks Abby
That helps a lot! Is there anyway of finding out your mobile number before I head off?
As I will be buying a sim card, can you get one before going or do I have to wait, ?
I'd stick with 'resume' over 'curriculum vitae'.
At this point I'd put in an email address and add the mobile number when you get it. I personally wouldn't both about sykpe or any of that.
Depending on the tpe of job you're after and your job, but you might want to consider setting up a Linked In account. Again, depending on your line of work, most employers are looking for your 'achievements' in your resume, not just what the duties of your jobs were.
It is definately resume over there. It is a good idea to include a personalised cover letter for the job/ company and if you can let them know how long you intend to stay in the area - the longer the better chance you will have!
Australians also like meeting and talking: go and introduce yourself and then leave them your resume. Try to put the important stuff on the first page, no one will really read beyond that.
gd luck with the job hunting!

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