avoiding 150baht atm fee.

hi there!
i've heard people saying that there are some atm that doesn't charge the 150 baht fee. do you know what are the atm that doesn't charge 150baht fee besides AEON. I'm staying in Silom so is there any nearby.
Greatly appreciate the help

As it's per transaction, probably the only thing you can do is to draw as much as possible each time.

AEON ATMs are just about the only real ATM option. I have found them at all Central department stores. According to the AEON locator, there is one in Central Silom. Look/ask around.

I can get travelers checks without any charge from my credit union. Many credit unions issue TC's without fees for their members.

The fee to cash a travelers check in Thailand is only 33 baht. TC's also get a hair more in exchange than cash too. For THAILAND it is very easy to cash a travelers check.. This is a good method if you only need a smaller amount of Thai baht where using an ATM would cost more. Some credit unions also pay for some of your ATM charges even overseas. There are limits.

There are some in Singapore, check them out.

avoiding 150baht atm fee.

avoiding 150baht atm fee.

avoiding 150baht atm fee.

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