Hi everybody. I'm new to this page but finding it amazing!!
You've left it very late in the year. High season is December to April inclusive, as people prefer to be in the sun rather than the cold and wet back home.
June is the start of the rainy season. It does not mean rain all day, or every day, but it can spoil days and nights as it can come down very heavy at times.
You've left it very late in the year. High season is December to April inclusive, as people prefer to be in the sun rather than the cold and wet back home.
June is the start of the rainy season. It does not mean rain all day, or every day, but it can spoil days and nights as it can come down very heavy at times.
Perhaps he need to change the schedules to make the things work! While he if not able to change the plan then i guess rain will spoil his holidays except he can enjoy with the elephants in country which love them badly.
Thanks travelsmart. What would u recommend us do as a must see xxx
December through the end of January are popular months to visit Thailand. The weather is a little better during that time and it is also cold in Northern Europe and North America. Additional weather related information on this link. Weather for various locations near the bottom.
This "high season" period is also when hotels are more fully booked and at higher prices too! Flying long distance from some countries is also more expensive, especially close to Christmas - New Years holidays.
Tourists visit Thailand every month of the year. All of Thailand has summer-like weather. Some months more rain and some have more heat. But tourists visit every month of the year! Some tourists only visit during the "low season" because they like cheaper prices for hotels. Most of the time the rain stops in a few hours if it rains at all. I like the rainy season. Plant life and grass looks "alive" instead of all dried out. If you show up when it is hot you just adjust. Drink more fluids, walk in the shade or mornings or evenings when it is a little cooler, etc.
Visit when you can. Bangkok is a "must see" so don't skip it! If you intend to land at Bangkok and immediately fly to Chiang Mai allow sufficient time between flights. Keep in mind that some flights to Chiang Mai also fly from Don Muang. Most international flights land at Svarnabhumi. My advice is to spend a night or two in Bangkok when you arrive. You get used to the heat, time changes and not have to run yourself ragged trying to meet connections. Up to you!
Chiang Mai is okay, maybe add another day there. From Chiang Mai you can do day tours to other places or use a bus. Chiang Rai is popular. My advice is to spend the final night or two back in Bangkok so you can do some shopping and not be too far from the airport. Even in Bangkok and Chiang Mai if you are not careful you can get a sunburn.
In Thailand you can sign on to tours through local travel agencies. They are easy to get and they pick up at your hotel and return you there at the end of the tour. For hotel help you can ask for recommendations but include a price range. For "things to see and do" type questions you can do a forum search. You can buy or borrow a travel guide on Thailand for pointers and if you are in a hurry you can do a simple Google/Bing check on "what to see and do" questions - then see what interests you enough so that you do more research. (Some young tourists like Koh Phangan. For how to get from here to there type questions you can also hit up Google too. )
You should read up on how to carry your money overseas. For most foreign currencies you get a better rate changing in Thailand. Many old posts on how to change money. Thailand does make it easy with so many banks and bank kiosks open 7 days a week and with hours into the evening in many areas popular with tourists. Read up on scams, transportation from airports to various cities, how to use taxis, etc.
Good luck.

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