kimcuongden1712 has indicated that this thread is about Vietnam
There's no such thing as an International Motorcycle License. What you have is your Australian Motorcycle Licence and an International Driving Permit.
In any case it's a moot point because it's useless in Vietnam, to be legal you must have a Vietnamese Drivers Licence... without it you can kiss your Travel Insurance goodbye and of course you're defenceless at a police check-stop so have some cash handy. You'll also need a 3 month Travel Visa to get started, then plan on 7 - 9 days to get the paperwork done for the license. No clue what the rules are for buying a bike, sorry.
Forget the sidecar. That's cool in some places but its lack of nimbleness and manoeuvrability would make it a death trap in Vietnam.
I've motorbiked all over the world and parts of Vietnam was one of the most challenging. All rules of the road are basically ignored and major highways and congested areas are really tough for the first few days, even for an experienced rider. Get out into the countryside though (and away from drugged-out bus drivers driving with a death wish) and it's of course a different story.
Still, unless you're a very experienced rider I think you would be fairly nuts to consider this mode of travel through developed areas with busy roads.
Have fun with your research and travel safe.
Hello Guys,
Thank you very much for all your replies, even though you make us to change our plans a little bit. Since we travel for several months in total we really want to avoid any "High Risk Activities". Damn, would be too cool to ride thru VN, but I guess we will skip this plan.
Maybe it would be easier in Laos? We could even get one bike with sidecare in Thailand (there are so many around here) and take it over the border...? Maybe it is worth to investigate into this idea, or do you think it's the same problem as in vietnam?
My friends advice me buy a bike, -snip-
i feeling worry.
I have removed the links posted in your last post. If you are going to try and sneak in a link for a site you are paid to promote, you should be aware that it looks very weird when you write that you are thinking of travelling to a country you are already in... also, it's called spamming, and frowned on, not in the least by Google. A lot of companies that spent years spamming forums are now back on those same forums begging to have the links removed as Google has penalised them for doing that. Just so you know...
OPer: You're lame.
Sam: Thanks.

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