my husband is belgian and i'm american (both have spanish residency, where we currently live). we are planning on leaving spain to travel around europe for an indefinite amount of time and are currently looking into buying a van in germany that we found on autoscout24. since we are leaving spain in august 2014 to travel to multiple countries afterwards, there is almost no reason to be tied to buying a car here in spain, especially if they are more expensive. that being said, what is the car buying process for germany (again, my husband is belgian so he would be buying as a european citizen) and will we be able to take it out of germany to travel indefinately later? even, the americans in the future (upon shipment, of course). we do not have german residencty nor plan on having one. after spain, we can use my mother-in-laws' address in belgium if a permenent address is necessary. please help.

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