Hi Kate, I did upload some changes recently (last week) that should help with reverse geocoding. Part of that involved remapping the borders of a lot of countries to be more accurate. I'll run some checks tomorrow with your photos coordinates to see why they aren't mapping better.
Ok, so set up some tests to find the problem here.
Two problems that the Belgium location hit - one was the shape for Luxembourg hadn't been remapped yet, so it was still not as accurate as others. The second problem was that it couldn't find any localities to match those coordinates exact. Localities are the smaller places like cities and towns and generally we try to match locations to that. I've changed how this works now. Previously if we couldn't find a locality, we would pick the locality with the nearest center point. Now, I've decided to instead assign it to the country that we have already matched it to. This because I'm a lot more confident of our country shapes than any of the other ones and I'd rather at least get that part right.
Anyway, if you can try re-uploading the images hopefully this time it will work ok for you.
Argh, just tested the same lat/lon on the live site and it still picks up Luxembourg. Grr. The same data and same query works fine on my local computer for some reason, but not live. Needs more work.
Hey Peter :-)
I will test a little later....
here some more probs form my last upload... when you work in this area perhaps you're interested in ....
After Upload the countries are not displayed on "Photos taken by katebum" page and the "Location" is not displayed beside the photos.
When I have a look to the page of the Photo the location displayed on the Map is ok.
Here are the photos with probs:
Is you're revers Geocoding playing tricks with you? :-)
Still great work... keep going on! :-))
Hi Peter,
uploaded the three photos again. I can conform it is not fixed :-)
Some news about this issue? :-) Can I help?
No news I'm afraid - the solution is an upgrade to our database server. I'm in the middle of another server upgrade which is taking all my time, so it will have to wait until after that. Upgrading databases is not something I can rush really. Sorry
Hey Peter... good luck! I know what this means from my daily work
Hey Kate, can you try again? I think I found a fix for this (without upgrading the database). To test on images though, you'll need to re-upload them, as that is the point where the automatic geocoding happens.

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