How to traval around the world without much money

Hi all is there any way to travel around the world without much money or can i earn during travel

Hey! Believe me, real travelling doesn't need much money at all. When it becomes a part of your life you just do it, like breathing.
Be brave enouph to start journey and be ready that adventures are everywhere, particulary if your budget is minimum! My first trip without much money was difficult and I had a lot of problems and I get into strange situations, but now I think it was my best travel! Now I found my ways of saving money, here they are:
1. Transport. Always choose trains for long destintions, low cost avia companies. Renting car or motorbike also save your money. Did you ever heard about hitch-hiking? -You must to try it!
2. Accomondation. Forget about 5* hotels. You can live in hostels or find couchserfers. This way you always meet people and share travel stories with each other, and some of these travellers become your friend for life. Sometimes you can live in tent, it also will give you new emotions and experiences, what else are we travelling for?
3. Exists a lot of websites that offer volunteer work and usually they provide food and accomondation (some have salary!). Like, WWOF, SE7EN, VSO etc.
4. You can try yourself as a freelancer and create your blog, write about your travellings, or do some IT things. Working on Internet makes you free for going everywhere you want!!!
Also you canfind job during trip - working as a bartender or in travel agency is real, but technically this is illegal(in some countries).
All you realy need is desire and passion

Thank you so much... 😊😊😊


We just made a travel in Iran and Pakistan. We have spent so far 640 US Dollars for 2 people for 2 months. This includes sleeping in hotels, travelling with bus and train and other expenses.
We will soon post a detailed list of our expanses.

You can always earn while you travel with a work abroad program such as those offered by various specialist travel companies.

Check out for a bunch of great opportunities to earn whilst you travel.

You'll not get rich or come back with a wedge of savings, but you'll hopefully cover your trip and enjoy some great experiences along the way

[ 23-Jun-2015, at 06:44 by Ed_P ]

Hi Vikram,

Yes, you can totally do it! It helps to break it down into smaller trips and start with the cheapest destinations so you can get a better sense of how it works. Booking transportation and accommodation in advance will also get you significantly lower prices.
You can also try travel programmes (MovingWorlds is a good one) to get local benefits in exchange for your skills, or get short-term jobs while you're traveling. Summer/seasonal jobs on cruise ships or in the hospitality industry are quite easily accessible.

Best of luck!

1. Couchsurf/hostels/tents-accommodation really takes up a huge portion of your budget
2. Prepare you own meals through out the day, don't eat out all the time. Of course you need to sample local food, try to avoid touristic areas
3. There is a blog on Quora where the couple gave up their jobs and everything and backpacked around the world. You can get a lot of tips from there
4. About earning money, my friend was a street artist while traveling for 2 months and she earned more than enough to cover her entire trip.

How to traval around the world without much money

How to traval around the world without much money

How to traval around the world without much money

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