Hi All,
Hi Wayne0881,
I'm arriving in Sydney in early November. Not sure of my exact points as of yet, but will probably stay in Sydney throughout Xmas and NY.
Ok great!
keep me posted - xmas drinks in Sydney
thanks for reply
Sounds like a plan to me! Have you figured out your accommodation yet?
depends if I do the OzIntro thing or not - keep changing my plans ha! just gotta get out there and wing I reckon, at some point i'm going up the east coast to see friends in Newcastle.
How about you?
- wing it
I have my first week in a hostel booked so I can get my bearings, but after that I'm doing exactly the same and playing it by ear!
I'm debating looking for accommodation now or when I arrive as I know the prices shoot up & availability is limited over Xmas and the NY.
that's true!! hmmm could be wise to book about now then.... if you see a random crashing on the beach you'll know I didn't book anything
Haha! http://1.tpstc.com/img/emoticons/icon_rofl.gif
I'll probably not book any more accommodation until I arrive.. want to see how the first hostel is..
I figure there will always be a place to sleep right? Even if it is on the beach!
Yea for sure plenty of time to plan ahead just on the flight- i'll draw you your very own king sized bed in the sand - may as well sleep in comfort haha!
i'm gonna look at hostels tonight - just to get an idea!

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