Around the world in 3 weeks

Hi all,

I think your crazy! With that being said it sounds awesome. Just hope you can get some cheap air and take all night flights and you should be fine.

Sounds awesome, but the long and expensive flights alone will eat up your entire budget and time.. and then some.

My best advice is to isolate which part of the world interests you most (IE Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands) and just travel around there. Especially if you're planning on spending time in some of the less developed parts of the world (parts of SE Asia and South America, as well as most of the Pacific) things rarely run on time if they run at all, so having a tight time constraint and schedule will only stress you out if you've got a flight to catch in Saigon the next day and your bus from Cambodia breaks down (which is likelier than not).

Europe is probably the easiest place to go if you're looking to move on to a different country every couple of days, because all the countries are so close together, relations are good, and transportation is so reliable... but take my word for it- the rest of the world won't let you move around that quickly. A trip like you've got planned is still incredibly ambitious even if you're going for 3 MONTHS.. you'll definitely enjoy it much much more if you can narrow it down a bit.

Good luck!

You must be crazy, you'll never fit it all in even with overnight flights.
In my own opinion it would be a shame to visit these places just to stay a few hours then leave, it wouldn't give you any time to really appreciate any of it. Whats the rush why not decide on one destination and spend 3 weeks travelling there then do the same next year and the year after. I am sure you would enjoy it a whole lot more if you weren't constanlty rushing to airports.
Having said that, if you go ahead with it good luck i'm sure it would be some kind of record.

I heard of someone who spent a couple of weeks just flying from airport to airport all over Europe - spent the whole time either in a plane or waiting for one. He was just in love with the whole sensation of air travel and obviously a flight enthusiast. But who's to say how it should be done? I think it's an amazing idea - just 'skimming' through. I have a feeling you get bored easily.

[ 16-Feb-2010, at 05:43 by fabyomama ]

You are on the right track. I leave March 13 from Seattle and will spend 21 days circling the globe. I used One World and got a great fare in business class. My trip was to start with Machu Picchu however due to the landslides closing the site in February and March I will now fly...Seattle, Dallas, Buenos Aires, Madrid, London, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Delhi and Taj Mahal, Bangkok, Singapore, Perth, Sydney, LA and back up the west coast home. I will be flying for 1 week and exploring for 2 weeks. I am spending 2 to 3 nights in those destinations highlighted and just connecting throught the others but it really gives a nice tour or the world. 48,000 miles, 6 continents, 10 countries, 96 hours in the air and 6 equator crossings. I love the journey as much as the destinations personally. Especially in business class!

There are many rules to get the RTW fare but its fun to go to and experiment with itineraries. I wanted to visit Moscow and Jerusulam but you can only land and take off in each continent so many times and you have a maximum number of segments and it can take a couple of segments to get to each destination.

Best of luck with your trip. This is not a journey for the weak of heart but if you are truely an adventurer and love to fly you will have an awesome experience.

Mark in Spokane

Hi guys,

I highly appreciate all of your input and additional thanks to those who had faith (however faint) in the 3 week around-the-world trip Its always been a dream of mine to go around the world, but you and the airfare estimate I got convinced me that I should wait a little until I can take a few months off (next summer maybe?). In the meantime I think I will plan a short trip somewhere to Central America, Panama maybe. Much more value for money for me.

Thanks again for all your help! This seems like a nice forum to hang out.

P.S. Unfortunately I do get bored easily and spending weeks upon weeks in one place is a no go for me But 2-3 days in each country is also abit extreme..I was thinking maybe a similar itinerary (minus Russia, but maybe add Cape Town and New Delhi) but in about 3 months..Is that slightly more reasonable?

Around the world in 3 weeks

Around the world in 3 weeks

Around the world in 3 weeks

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