Euro Travel Plans

Hi there, i've been planning a large European road trip for a while now and as there are very few university/job opportunities for me at the moment i have decided to put the plan into motion for this summer.
So far i've only managed to hear stories and advice from people who have done a realitvely short trip (in comparison to my plan) eg UK to France and Spain then back to the UK in the space of a couple of weeks. However I'm planning a complete loop of Europe. From the UK, through; France, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Greece to Turkey. From Istanbul back up through; Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Amsterdam, Belguim and back to the UK. I'm planning to take up to 3 and 1/2 months for this so I can absorb as much of Europe as possible. I have a good knowledge of France, Germany and Greece, having been there a few times. But have no real experience of what to expect on the bulk of the trip, and it would be a great help if people who have travelled to these places could give me some insight to what to expect .eg. travel conditions, local customs and triditions.

other questions. How muc do people think it will cos to travel by car (distance looks like 8,000 miles or so). I know you cannot register a right hand drive car in Slovenia, but does that mean you can't drive one? And finally, it there anyone looking to do a similar trip this year?

Euro Travel Plans

Euro Travel Plans

Euro Travel Plans

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