Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina - indigenous homestay?


tribes in the Amazon will most definitely NOT speak Quechua...

I don't about Latin America, but to my knowledge, the kind of homestay you're looking for does not exist in South America. Most indigenous populations are either culturally integrated in 'western civilisation' or live in total isolation of it, in which case it would be highly immoral to bother them (that is, assuming you would get a chance to reach them. You won't).

What you could do, is try to find a place to stay in a 'normal' remote village. That shouldn't be too hard: countless NGOs are actively involved in local development in SA, and some of them offer homestays as part of their own work. These don't come cheap, though. Your budget will definitely not reach.

Another possibility is WWOOFing. I seem to recall there's a fair number of WWOOF partners in SA.

You could

See what has to offer.

I used to have more bookmarked but lost them in a crash-still a simple Google search brings up dozens of possibilities-some no doubt more suitable than others.

Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina - indigenous homestay?

Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina - indigenous homestay?

Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina - indigenous homestay?

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