India Delhi first time ever travel alone, advice?

Hi there,
Due to major lack of journalism jobs and my very chosen profession unfolding before my eyes I booked a round the world travel ticket yesterday landing firstly in Delhi, my plan was to do Australia but then got talked round by an exceedingly nice and knowledgeable man into 7 different countries by myself. You hare so many horror stories, namely from my mother in an attempt to scare me, about women traveling alone. I'm planning to travel mainly by trains landing in Delhi traveling down to goa and flying out of Mumbai 6 weeks later, any suggestions at all what to see, hear, smell, be aware of, must do.....I am particular interested in any safe hostels/cheap hotels on beautiful beaches to stay in and anything that is a must to get involved in/water sports.


Okay. First off, as a young female SOLO traveller myself, let me help both you and your mother rest assured:

You'll be FINE. Better than fine, you'll have the time of your life! If you have common sense (don't go out getting super drunk with people you don't know well, don't wander about by yourself at night time, etc... the same things that apply probably in your hometown even!) you'll have no problems. There's something just really empowering about facing it alone, and rewarding too. You'll make more friends (and closer friends) travelling than you have at home! When you're by yourself, you pretty much have to go out and talk to people, whereas if you're with somebody, you're not as likely to strike up a conversation with another traveller. It's so much fun And I can't wait to do it again! My mom was ballistic, worried sick about me, but she had nothing at all to worry about, I had no problems on my whole 4 month trip... There are plenty of other girls travelling alone, maybe even more than I saw guys travelling alone!

As far as India, I spent 3 weeks in Rajasthan and Delhi before taking the train up to Nepal... I can't recommend any specific hostels, but I do recommend splurging and book online for a nice hotel near the airport for your first night in the country, as India is an INSANE crazy country (So ballsy that you're heading there first... the craziest place on earth and you're diving right in!) and especially if your flight gets in late at night, you don't want to have to traipse around looking for a hostel. After your first night in Delhi, head to an area called Karol Baugh (carol baw is how it's pronouced)- any cab driver will be able to take you there- which is the backpacker district of Delhi.. tons of hostels where you can meet up with people, make friends, and get their recommendations for stuff to do in India.

I'm actually going to send you a message right now, because I have too much stuff to fit, but I'm sending you a list of things I'm wishing I'd been told before India

After your first night in Delhi, head to an area called Karol Baugh (carol baw is how it's pronouced)- any cab driver will be able to take you there- which is the backpacker district of Delhi.. tons of hostels where you can meet up with people, make friends, and get their recommendations for stuff to do in India.

Thats actually Pahar Ganj district not Karol Baugh. Nearest metro station is Rama Krishna Ashram. I can give you guest house recommendations, but really there are so many its more fun and probably better to just go check a few out and see what you can find. You are probably going to get taken a little on your fare from the airport, but the worst damage they can do is a few extra dollars. Maybe try to find others in the airport that are heading that way and team up with them. If not ask your taxi to take you to the Rama Krishna metro station end of Main Bazaar in Pahar Ganj and you can walk to guest houses from there.

If you check out my photo album there are pictures of Arambol beach in Goa. Lovely place.

[ 25-Feb-2010, at 13:19 by Dodger ]

Don't drink their water...

If you are a girl, I'd pay attention to sexual harassment in public.

I am from Delhi and a solo traveller myself. Many things have already been recommended to you which I also agree to.

Pahar Ganj is cheap and full of foreigners but I doubt about safety there, especially for a single woman. I recommend you another place to stay... try out YWCA or YMCA. They are cheap, clean and safe too.

Book your train tickets in advance. You can do it online. You've not mentioned when you are coming. Summer time is rush time.
Dress modestly. Don't wear clothes which can provoke sexual harassment. Stay alert & safe.
You'll be fine.

India Delhi first time ever travel alone, advice?

India Delhi first time ever travel alone, advice?

India Delhi first time ever travel alone, advice?

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