Australia- Oz experience or completely planned trip

Im planning to go to Australia in April/ May for 5 weeks. Im going on my own but I cant decide whether to do an Oz experience where I just have a bus pass or do 'grand aussie' where i'll be in a set group and with a set itinerary. (They're both along the East Coast.) I want to do the Oz experience because of its flexibility but Im scared I won't meet people or will waste time. Grand Aussie also has its benefits- I'll be with people the whole time and its all planned so I dont waste time looking for places.
Which one would people suggest? I can be quite shy at times...

I'd probably go with the bus pass approach and roughly decide where you want to spend your time before coming, of course things will change which is why the flexability of the bus pass is good - but this is just my preference. I'd say generally you'll meet people on the bus or in hostels who'll be travelling the same way as you and so you'll meet people like that. I know I met some people from Austria in Darwin, then again in Kakadu and then organised to go to Litchfield National Park as a group, it was heaps of fun.

If you're really worried about meeting people then the structured tour might be better for you.

Hey lucielulu,

I'm going travelling in Australia in March/ April and saw your post (I posted a similar post a few moments before!). I would advice the Oz Experience- if you're looking for a relaxed and individual experience in Australia with no obligations, then its probably the better idea. You never know, you may love a place so much that you want to stay there longer than the fixed itinerary permits. If you happen to be on the East Coast and on the Oz Experience, who knows we may even meet up!

Cheers for your posts.
Ive been speaking to some other people as well and I think Im going to do the Oz experience. Travelling solo seems to be more popular so Im sure there'll be loads of people in the same boat.
Im hopefully going 15th April so mabye see you!
Anyone else going similar time let me know!

for solo oz experience try campervan or 4wd, and go around Australia in any place...

Australia- Oz experience or completely planned trip

Australia- Oz experience or completely planned trip

Australia- Oz experience or completely planned trip

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