Seven wonders of the world

Hi..One of my friends recently just had a desire..He is willing to take a tour to just visit the seven wonders
of the world !!

well fist you should decide which set of 7 wonders of the world you would like to see and start from there. to see the new official wonders of the world. I would say that to visit all these places in one trip would involve a lot of travelling and cost a fair bit of money, why not pick one or maybe two of the wonders and plan a trip around them, then save the others for another trip?

If you have a lot of spare time and a fair bit of spare money, you could get yourself a continent based oneworld round the world airfare and see all and more in one trip. An itinerary like Sydney - Beijing - Hong Kong - Mumbai - London (seperate return flight to Rome) - Cairo (then do a return overland trip to Petra) - Madrid - Rio De Janeiro - Lima - Santiago - Mexico City - Los Angeles - Sydney would work.

If you are in the US, to get it to work you would probably need to get a one way flight to Australia like Los Angeles - Nadi - Sydney and buy a round the world ticket starting from Australia but forfeit the last flight out of the US (cheaper than buying from the US). Doing this would allow you to even go to other places in North America like Jamaica which you may not otherwise go due to costs etc. It wouldn't be a cheap trip, but it would certainly be a great trip.

Thanks for all the information provided.

Seven wonders of the world

Seven wonders of the world

Seven wonders of the world

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