Subscriber numbers limited ?

I hope someone can help me. Why is it that my listed subscriber numbers stubbornly remain at 5 when I know for sure that there are more than that ? Also, how is it possible to notify all subscribers of a new posting ?

There's nothing that limits subscriber numbers... I have several blogs that have more than 5 subscribers. Could it be that they have subscribed via xml feed instead of email (you can choose on the )? Those aren't counted in the subscriber numbers that show in your blog management area.

All subscribers will automatically be notified via email of your new posts, unless you have unchecked the checkbox under the entry saying "Notify xx Subscribers only on 1st Publish". Are your subscribers not being notified?

I've subscribed to your blog now, so you should see 6 (assuming no one has unsubscribed in the meantime). You can also double check who all is subscribed via email by viewing the Subscribers tab that's located under the MANAGE tab.

Does that help?

Thanks for your reply which was very helpful. Your subscription has now raised the bar to six as you said it would. The 'missing' subscribers must have chosen the xml feed.

Subscriber numbers limited ?

Subscriber numbers limited ?

Subscriber numbers limited ?

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