around the world from august 2010 :) advice much appreciated

hi, im andrea 23 from england, wanting to travel from august, have done some travelling before but this time I want to go around the world. A little bit worried that by going on my own to america I may find it difficult. I went to australia last year for 3 months and everyone was friendly and there are so many backpackers, is it te same in america? I would really appreciate some advice. Thanx

Im sad to say but please dont come here, people here are rude and haver lost whatever little left of kindness that they might had have I was born here, Ive traveled here in america and in Europe, Europe is amazing. People are kind and have culture, here they aint got shit!!!
Ive wanted to go to Australia, how much did you wasted money wise in the 3 months?

I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Big cities can be dangerous especially when traveling alone or at night, so I recommend finding a travel companion or two. Pick-pockets and bag snatchers target individuals. To be honest though America's true charm is in it's small towns and beautiful landscapes.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest and I have traveled coast-to-coast with my job. If you want culture I recommend finding old cities or small towns. If you just want to see major landmarks than be prepared for large crowds of tourists and irritated locals. People on the streets are suspicious of strangers just coming up to them, so for directions or local recommendations I suggest talking to shop keepers and food servers. They know the area and they are there to serve you.

Some places to see if you want a glimpse of America. New York City, NY (specifically the Empire state building), Charleston, SC (head downtown for a horse drawn carriage ride with guided tour), and Seattle, WA (Ride the Ducks! amphibious viehicles that tour the city streets and the lake). Entry fees are expensive everywhere, so if you decide to see America please look at for discounts on the biggest tourist attractions in the city of your choice. These passes also get you discounts for attractions that aren't specifically listed on the pass, so buying one of these pays for itself in as little as 3 stops!

I hope this helps, good luck!

Hiya! I'm in a similar boat chick.. Im 24 from South Wales and I am heading off for twelve months in Sept this year. Im headed to North America first, then Fiji, then New Zealand then Australia and home via Thailand. Is that a similar kind of path that you were planning on? I'm going alone, so the majority of my time in the US I am booked on to an organised tour of North America and Canada, and I'm also booked on to an island hopping tour in Fiji.. but New Zealand and Australia take up the majority of my time - and nothing is planned!! Its daunting but I cant wait. Message me if you fancy a chat :-) x

i'm shocked at the thought of Ameria being a rude place.............. Can i ask cejones who are you going with and how much is it costing you? I am pretty much doing the same trip as you.
Thankyou for the advie Necie. I really need to begin organising my trip and it feels like I have so much to do.

I spent only two weeks in Austin Texas and that was my first experience in the U.S and i have to say everyone was so over friendly it was a shock to the system! So if thats anything to go by im sure youl be fine, but obviously be realistic! Not everyone in this world is polite, and some people are rude, but its pretty harsh to generalise such a massive country by a few bad experiences!
I think as long as you are open minded and you are as friendly and outgoing as you can be then you will be just fine!
Good luck i hope you have a great trip



Hi Andrea,
Sorry for the late reply. Im going on my own.. STA agent told me to have roughly a £1000 for every month I will be travelling for.. but I am hoping that 10 thousand will do me for the year. Thats not including all my flights. Ive paid for them already.

Keep in mind that the throngs at the US' national parks tend to thin rapidly post Labor Day (first Monday in Sep) as the kiddies are back in the school. We always visit either before June or after Labor Day for that reason.

I agree that visiting the small towns will allow you to experience the true charm of the States. Be sure to check out New England as you'll never experience any other place like it. If you get a chance to explore the west coast, definitely check out San Francisco as its truly a beautiful city and everyone is really friendly.

I've driven cross country many times and am always pleasantly surprised by how nice everyone is. Be prepared to take lots of pictures and I would suggest keeping a journal along the way.

around the world from august 2010 :) advice much appreciated

around the world from august 2010 :) advice much appreciated

around the world from august 2010 :) advice much appreciated

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