Help me make a decision!

Hi people,

-I would only have 2 months or so to travel if we start or trip the end of March and I don t know how far we would get then and if I would get back to Perth cheap (because I want to fly back cheap).
-i don t know how much money I would need. i still need to buy my visum, my flight and my flight back to Europe and can t spend more then 4000 euro s.

Visum is free since you'll be there just as a tourist (and from Europe); look at the . If you hunt around a bit and are flexible with dates, you should be able to find a flight from Cairns to Perth or Darwin to Perth for around AUD $250.

As a minimal budget for Australia, I usually say AUD $60/day. That's for travelling with public transport and staying in hostels, though - I honestly couldn't say how your plan would work out; might be cheaper if you can sell your transport onward again, or might be more expensive because of gas and the distances involved.

I'm personally not a big fan of the west coast, but other people rave about it, so can't offer much advice on that side of the equation either... Good luck with making a decision!

Being limited to arriving in Perth and departing Perth makes things a bit hard. Would it be possible to arrive Darwin and leave Perth or the other way around?

The west coast of Australia is far more remote than the east coast and has a more outback feel to it. I personally really liked it, but have only visited the far south and the far north. If you do fly in to Perth, I'd recommend travelling around the south coast to Esperence and Cape Le Grande National park, and if you can arrange to fly out of Darwin then back up to Perth and on to Darwin via the coast. You might even have time to go through central Australia and check out uluru if you don't take the coast, depending on how far/fast you want to travel.

The only problem I can see is you might have difficulty buying and then selling a car or motorbike in the timeframe you've set. To buy a vehicle I'd check out , and .

Help me make a decision!

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