Aussie adventure Sept 2010

Hi guys, i'm hoping to come over to oz on my own in sept on a whv and i'm debating about ozintro.... It looks like a great company providing a great start in Sydney, but i was planning to start in Cairns and work down the coast, soi'm concerned that i'd get attached to Sydney and not see anywhere else ha. Is anyone else heading to oz in sept? Also i'm struggling to find reasonably priced flights, do i need to approach travel agents ir flight operators directly for a 12 month ticket? And last, perhaps weird, question; would I look an idiot bringing a suitcase instead of a back pack?? I'm just not a back pack sort of girl, and as i'm not hiking around, more staying in places for a few weeks at a time working i can fit more stuff in a case without worrying about hauling it around on my back! Any help or advice much appreciated.....thanks, Lou xxxx

LOL im having the same problem, im not a backpack person either, im deciding what to do once I get there. Im 26 from Miami Florida.

It's just so difficult if like me you've not travelled before! Reading thru different forums it seems a suitcase is the way to go in this situation. I can always ditch it and buy a backpack out there if it's a problem, but should be ok. I'm gonna take a daytime rucksack for trips and stuff. Just need to sort out the rest of my queries now ha! So John, when are you going on your big adventure?

Hi Lou

I am in the exact same position, i am planning on arriving sept/oct time, and doing the Ozintro week, i was then thinking i would catch a flight upto cairns which is about £90 and travel back down the east coast so back in sydney for xmas/new year. With regards to flights i spoke to ozintro and they put me in touch with a company called Real Traveller and they quoted me £819 return from London heathrow to Sydney via Kuala Lumpar on Malaysian Airlines on Sat 23 Oct arriving 25th Oct to start the Mon 25th at Ozintro. I thought this was pretty reasonable as i was expecting about £1000 to be honest, also it is flexible so you can change the date of return if you wish to stay for the 2nd year for only £50 for the change (bargain).

Now onto the backpack/suitcase scenario, tell me about it, i will defo not be taking a backpack i have bought a holdall on wheels which i think will be lot easier especially as you have to live out of this bag for 12 months, dont think i could handle having to dig around into the bottom of a backpack everyday. I have friends who have done this trip in the last couple of years and they have said that a lot people take a suitcase/holdall with them instead so dont worry u wont look an idiot.

Back to the flights i am waiting for a call from real traveller about different dates in sept/oct, i will let you know when i get the prices for them, if it will help you.

If you want to chat any more or have any other questions, please message me as we are both in the same situation and could possibly help each other out

Gail x

H Gail, that all sounds great. I don't know about you but i'm getting far too excited!! I think i'm going to give Ozintro a miss. After trawling the internet constantly for the past few days i've decided to sort everything out for myself and save some money. Typically tight Yorkshire girl ha ha. I found a rtn flight yesterday thru It was heathrow to sydney via k.lumpar with malaysia airlines for £775 in september which i thought was pretty good. I couldn't find the cost of changing the return flight date but would guess it's £50, the same as the one you found. Lets keep in touch as we appear to be in exactly the same position. Roll on Sept woo hoo!! Lou xx

Hi Lou

Excited is not the word, some days i cant believe im really going to do this, i have a mixture of excitedness and then a total shitting myself phase, where i keep saying how can i go across the world on my own, i wont know anyone aarrgghh.
That flight price is really good, what date is that leaving from the uk.
Im still undecided myself on the Ozintro thing, but i worked it out the other day that if you were to do what they offer on your own you would save about £50-100, when if i put that against the total cost of this trip, it didnt seem that much in the end up, i just wish i could make my mind up for definate and book the flight get the visa and then probably i would stop stressing. ( decisions, decisions???? )

What r ur plans for when u get there, r u wanting to travel for a few weeks then maybe work for a bit then travel some more???
I was thinking of hopefully not having to work for the first 3 months up to xmas, then i was gonna look for some harvest work so that i can get my 2nd yr visa, Is this something that you are thinking of doing also.

Where in Yorkshire do you live, i live in bradford West Yorkshire, totally hate it here and cant wait to escape!!!!

I would also like it if we could stay in touch, we can swap ideas and tips on what to take and what not to take etc...

Gail x

I think i put in 1st Sept with a bit of flexibility either side and when the prices came up they were around the same for the first half of sept. Seems like a nice time to go price-wise. I think with the relatively small amount of cash i'm gonna have i'll have to find some work pretty soon after arriving but i'll stretch the funds as far as i can ha. Thinking of some harvest work to get the 2nd yr visa too. Looks like hard work but it's gotta be worth it right?? I'd definately like to move from place to place working as i go, spending a few weeks here and there. I know what you mean about one minute being excited then the next minure totally bricking it! I'm like you, just need to actually DO something, get my visa, anything! Think i'll sort my visa as soon as i get paid then there's no going back ha. I'm in Hull so looking forward to getting away from here to sunshine and beaches! Xxxx

I was in the same predicament with regards to funds so what i am going to do is take out a bank loan, then out of the loan i am going to leave 12 months worth of payments here in an account to pay for itself. To tell you the truth it is the only way i am able to do this, and i thought this is gonna probably be my one chance to have 3 months off work without having to have a child first (maternity leave ) to have some fun and adventure.
Whilst sat at work bored to tears i have been looking at flights and they are all very similar for the whole of september and october, ( think this is due to it still being classed as their spring time at that time of year)
Also gonna have a look at the flights from manchester, as what you could pay for a train/plane ticket to heathrow u might aswell fly from closer to home.

With regards to the visa im gonna apply for it this weekend, at least then it means i have got the ball rolling and i am one step closer to making this long standing dream come true

Gail x

I agree, a flight from closer to home would be better. I didn't actually look at any from manchester, i don't know why?? I think i'll get my visa sorted next week, after pay day. Once that's sorted i'll have to pull my finger out and organise everything else but at the moment i feel like it's all just talk, do you know what i mean? Getting a loan is a good idea. I'm going to save what i can then flog my car just before i go. I owe my dad money for my car but hopefully i can then 're-borrow' it to take with me haha. Like you say, i feel like this is my last chance to go see the world, especially oz. In fact it is really as i turned thirty last week and you can't get a whv once you turn thirty one! I've just been looking at setting up my aussie bank account on line, it looks very straight forward. I'll sort that next week too i think. I'm dying to get my suitcase out but perhaps that's getting a little ahead of myself

Sorry just realised i have sent my reply to ur inbox

Gail x

Aussie adventure Sept 2010

Aussie adventure Sept 2010

Aussie adventure Sept 2010

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