San Francisco to LA - Pacific Highway

Hi, just signed onto this after reading a few threads i found quite helpful.

Yes, two days is a great amount of time for the Pacific Coast Highway; it should allow you to linger in selected places (Santa Cruz, beaches around Big Sur, or wherever takes your fancy) for a few hours, and just take things at a very leisurely pace.
Look into accommodation in advance; the stretch between Monterey and San Simeon is nearly devoid of places to stay (there's a few, but they're rather expensive), while this is the area with the nicest scenery, so it'd be a shame to have to rush there in order to get to an overnight stop.

Nice, thanks for the advice, and whilst you're on here making fast replies....

we are picking up the southern adventure trip for 13 nights in Anaheim which is all sorted for us. We end up in New Orleans and are then picking up another hire car to drive from NO to Orlando (Disney) where we will have two weeks there. We only have about a day and a half to drive from NO to Orlando, now I know this takes 10 hours on the straight run interstate, but do you know how quickly a southern coastal road could be done? We could cut maybe another day into Disney time if we're too tight on the drive?

My question would be: why would you want to drive on a "southern coastal road"? What are you expecting to see? The Gulf of Mexico is very different from the Pacific Ocean. The terrain along the coast from New Orleans down to the tip of Florida is flat, flat, flat. My advice, if you are wanting to experience the Gulf Coast, is to stop in Pensacola and take in the beach there. Pensacola is famous for its white sand beaches. From there, stick to the Interstate Highways and hustle on down to Orlando.

San Francisco to LA - Pacific Highway

San Francisco to LA - Pacific Highway

San Francisco to LA - Pacific Highway

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