I'm 81 days from starting my world trip!!!!
Pay as you go is usually the best strategy, but with some careful chopping of the sections. Essentially you buy only national tickets right up to the border, not international tickets.
I suggest posting a rough initiary, we might be able to give you tips.
Thanks T-maia... I will post my itinerary once I come up w. one.
Post#2 - perfect reply. National (internal - not international) rail tickets will save you money, there's no need to book a seat in advance and the trains are cheaper than cross border services. Just buy a ticket to one border, get off, cross on foot, then back on the ongoing internal service from the next country.
Sometimes it's a bit of a wait - but so what? You're on a RTW trip and there's always going to be something worth looking at while you hang around for the next train.
Thanks, I'm def going to pay as I go and try to take as many buses as possible (need to save money) .... I have not come up w. an itinerary yet. believe it or not I've been so busy with work, my trip is the last thing I'm planing, plus I'm also not much of a planner, but I do like to have a general idea on which direction to head.
Below is the link to Google/maps of what I think my route will look like. Please keep in mind I'm starting in Constanta, Romania and want to end up in Munich by late Sept early Oct for Oktoberfest!!!!!
My Eastern European leg of the trip will officially start July 14th (day I land in Constanta). I will prob spend about 3-5 days in each city I visit depending on how much I like it etc... like I said I'm not much of a planner I just know I want to experience Oktoberfest!!....
Thank you all in advance.
Haha, good call...for Oktoberfest book well in advance...preferably somewhere nice and central so you don't have far to walk .
I was going to get a 10 day pass but this sounds like a better idea...I might mention it to the people I'm travelling with.
I've heard eastern European trains are...ahem...interesting.
hiya eddie,
i found this travel Co whilst in hungary, there cheap, fast, reliable nd very comfy, i cant praise them enough, nd i talked with different people in different cities nd they all spoke grt english so thats no prob. did i mention there cheap eddie, just been on there site, prague to budapest 20 euros, pretty thrifty eh. well enjoy ur trip, sink a few beers 4 me in budapest (loved the city big time)
Not worth it... Except maybe for the zone passes or country passes, but even that only makes sense if you'll take the train every day (or several times a day)
I've heard eastern European trains are...ahem...interesting.
Interesting - yes. I'm assuming you mean slow, dirty maybe etc. etc. It's all true. But compared to western trains, they are more reliable and so much cheaper.
Forget any europass if you're using E.Eu trains. It's possible to get from the N.W. of Romania to the S.E. of Bulgaria, for less than the price of a single from Manchester to London. OK, it might take over two days to do the journey, but so what - it's holiday time isn't it?
Thank you all for your replies, I will def be taking your advice on not getting the pass and instead just going w. the flow of things and buying on the spot...... quick question regarding the use of CCs (Visa) are they widely accepted in Eastern Europe? if your asking yourself why I would want to use one so much... its for the miles!!!! plus the CC I have doesn't charge anything when traveling overseas...

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