Hi Mark
I'm also looking for a travel partner to set off to India in Jan. I was thinking of flying into Northern India though and travelling down, finishing in Sri Lanka. I havn't really looked into it much as I havn't found anyone to go with and I don't fancy travelling India alone. I was thinging maybe 6 weeks in India then 2 weeks in Sri Lanka.
Were you planning to make your way up to Delhi or surrounding area or were you thinking of spending your time just around Goa?
I enjoy travelling and have done a couple of shorter trips but did a 6 month round the world trip at the beginning of the year and now really want to go off again! I have travelled both with others and independently but as I say I don't fancy the idea of India by myself!
Dear Laura,
Bitten by the bug, eh?
I know how that feels. Just can't beat that feeling gigantic freedom and when you're far away.
I only have about 7 weeks. I should have asked or a longer leave.
Your plan sounds enticing. But I'm not sure I can do all of that within the time frame...especially in a country where things may not run on time and rushing may only result in frustration.
Yet, I'm still fighting the urge to do just what you are planning--the all-out backpacking adventure rather than choosing a base and making forays to the surrounding area.
I once traveled overseas for almost 2 years. That sort of freedom and those memories are so emotional compelling
I would very much like to visit Sri Lanka, as well.
Anyway, tell me more about what you really, really want out of the trip.
What's your style of travel?
Hey you two,
I'm currently planning a trip to India in Jan. I have no concrete plans as I was hoping to find someone to travel with - all I know is that I would like to be away for around 2 months and see as much as I can in that time frame.
I recently returned from travelling around Central America on my own, but I would feel a lot more comfortable in India with someone else, and for the company as well as the journeys would inevitably be a lot longer.
I have looked a itineraries, but I do prefer to have a rough idea of where I want to go and end up and then just go with the flow (when this doesn't involve risking my life...!) and I hate the idea of travelling so fast that it becomes a chore. I know I want to see Goa, Delhi, and the Taj Mahal, and other than that I am open to suggestions as long as I get to see a diverse array of Indian offerings and culture...
H x
Dear H,
I know it can be nerve-wracking when one contemplates travel to a new place alone.
As a man, I cannot truly understand what it means to undertake solo travel as a woman.
But you should know that you will meet so many travelers in India, especially if you stay on the circuit of well-worn destination.
Just go and it will happen.
I simply want to let things flow starting with in Goa. If it is so beautiful (as they say) I may just hang around there for the most part.
You have a certain itinerary which I may not be able to fulfill. I've been to the standard Indian tourist spots and do not want to pressure myself into moving for the sake of seeing the next great spot... 'cause there's always another spot but, in two months, it's easy to push too hard and get weary.
Arguably, India demands 6 months for a proper walk about.
And India is full of single guys/couples/girls backpacking around, so fear not.
But if you want to travel just around the Goa region, I'll keep you safe and laughing.
Hi H
Your plans sound to be what I was thinking of doing. When in January are you thinking of going? As you may have read from the earlier messages I'm thinking of travelling for a couple of months - my original plan was to travel northern India then travel down and finish in Sri Lanka but I'm happy to go with the flow and after looking at places if there isnt time to fit in Sri Lanka I'd be happy to finish in Goa or somewhere like that. My travel style seems similar to how you've described yours - have an idea of where to start and finish and where would be good to go but other than that go with the flow.
How were your travels in America? where did you end up? how long did you go for? I returned from 6 months travelling in August and can't wait to get away again!
Let me know if you're interested in chatting a bit more
Lol x

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