5 days in or around Ushaia

Sander has indicated that this thread is about Argentina

Hi Sander,

Lots of options down there especially for a photographer. Plenty you can do/see in day trips, or if you feel like traveling a bit especially camping there is a ton more, but you'd have to rent a car to really get to a lot of the wilder more exotic places. If you are willing to do that you can see tons of really wild places that will give you a better idea of the whole of Tierra del Fuego.

Just from Ushuaia in that time I think you only get a taste. And while you can probably see a lot by bus - I didn't so i can't really advise on that (and the car rental was cheap maybe $20 per day and there were 2 of us).


Day trips from around/Ushuaia
-Sheep Shearing stations
-Pt. Harborton
-Martial glacier
-Sailing trip (lots of wildlife) of Beagle Channel or just the bay.
-Tierra Del Fuego National Park
-Lago Roca and Mirror Lake

You can easily spend a few days doing just that and never going more than maybe 20 miles from the city.

Hopping a bus or driving to the semi rural city of Tolhun ~ 40 miles away, or even closer Laguna Escondita, will give you a whole different view of Tierra del Feugo as will the fly fishing rich areas near Rio Grande or taking a drive down any of the unpaved roads towards places like Cape San Pablo (a road I found very rewarding for getting the feel of the place).

But getting a real feel for Tierra del Fuego in five days is possible, but you do have to work a bit for it.

Oh, and I didn't even include any of the sites/places in the city.

Hope it helps. If you'd like I can see if I can dig up my journal pages for Ushuaia and you can see if you can find any good info in there.

Thanks, that helps quite a bit! A couple of these I'd come across in my own research already, but a few of the others are new, and I'll have to look into them. And I think for the decision on where to base myself, I'll just stick to Ushuaia. (Note to self: now hope you'll remember how to spell it right!)

Oh, if you are a scuba diver - it's an amazing undersea world there but it is drysuit diving.

5 days in or around Ushaia

5 days in or around Ushaia

5 days in or around Ushaia

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