Europe 2011 trip questions!

lexx88 has indicated that this thread is about Europe

2) You need a visa to work in all of the countries. Go to the websites of the embassies (German embassy in Canada, etc) and check out the Working Holiday visa programs.

1) After you applied for your visa you can look online in advance, but it will be easier to find something once you are there.

3) Spain, Italy and France definitely have some good beaches. The Med is practically the bathtub of Europe during July/August. For something more budget friendly than those check out Croatia and Morocco too.

4) WWOOF and HelpX - stay in a place and work for food and bed

5) Something in the neighborhood of around 5000 EUR would be realistic for 90 days, 6000 EUR would be better. This does not include the cost of flight tickets to Europe and the cost of a WHV visa. And yes, those 5000 are a very tight budget. You might fare better with a job and HelpX placements lined up, but not by much.

Travelling in Europe is freaking expensive.
5-15 EUR food per day
15-35 EUR accomodation in a hostel bed/camping (yes, camping can be expensive, especially in summer around the Med)
20-40 EUR per day for transport between places (take a look at the Eurail pass for 3 months and add supplements and around 3-8 EUR per day for inner city public transport)

And then entry to sights ranging between 5-25 EUR.

Add going out to the list and you are quickly at around 70 EUR per day. 70 EUR x 90 days = 6300 EUR for 90 days. And then the flight tickets to Europe.

If you want it cheaper you might want to check out other places. Eastern Europe is a bit cheaper (about 10-25 percent), depending on where you stay.

I would agree with everything that t_maia has said with regards to costs and visas: you will need a working holiday visa to be employed. The best beaches are def around the med, but also its going to be more expensive around there!

For work, you're best chances are naturally in England. Brighton would be a good place as it has the sea, most likely to get some good weather (compared to the rest of England), and it have a great nightlife. It's also the gay capital of the UK, so it has a unique culture!

Germany for work would be your next best bet, as finding work in the other 3 without the native language is going to be hard. I speak a high level of French, yet i couldn't find work in France for the reason that I wasn't a native speaker.

In terms of actually looking for work, it will be much easier once you're on the ground to find it, but doing some research in advance and sending speculative emails with CVs wouldn't do any harm. Maybe you could try and set up some interviews for just after you arrive? Things like barwork though, you will get much easier by walking into the bar

In the north of Germany, on their Baltic coast, they have some very nice beaches, especially around the Island of Rugen (right up in the North East). Even this gets busy though, but less busy than the med, and I'm not sure it will have the greatest nightlife. (maybe in Rostock).

If you're visiting a place for a few days, you could try couchsurfing (

In terms of expenses, England will be the most expensive country on your list in general, but here you will most likely earn more money (£s worth more than €s)

Europe 2011 trip questions!

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