Backpacks, budget, vaccinations and visas.

Me and my boyfriend are going travelling for 12 months.
-We fly from London to Bangkok on the 7th of June 2011 then we will be making our way overland through Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore then fly to Bali (S/E Asia will take 3 months). We will then fly to Australia and do the East coast for 5 months working as we go. We then fly to New Zealand for 1 month, then our final destination is South America where we spend the remaining 3 months. We fly into Chile then make our way overland to Peru and Ecuador over to Brazil to fly home (London).

Anyone?? Could really do with the advice!!!!!


I have been to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Ecuador and Peru (only short visit).

1) Budget: it largely depends on how tight you want to keep your budget. If you are really frugal (staying at cheap places, eating at street stalls, cheap eateries), the following prices you can expect to pay (lodging for two people, food per person/meal):
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos: lodging 4-5 US$, food US$1-2 - Thailand: islands more expensive, about 2x of mainland price
Vietnam: 8-10 US$, food US$1-2
Malaysia: 6-10 US$, food US$2
You should be able to get around for about GBP 8-10 / day / person - including lodging, food, drinks and transportation.

Singapore: lodging GBP20-30 (again two pers - hostel), food GBP1-2, local transport app GBP 0.5-1 / ride. Count with app GBP 20 / day / person.

Ecuador: US$20 (they always charge per person - usually US$8-10), food US$2
Peru: US$10-20, food US$2
Public transport very cheap. You should be able to get around for app GBP10-12. Costs will rocket when you start taking organized excursions, trips, etc. They can be quite pricey.

Haven't been to Chile, but I heard you shall count at least double compared to Ecuador/Peru.

2. Would you recomend to get visas on arrival for S/E Asia or before we go?

I think for UK citizens, you can go without visa to Thailand (but do check it). Easy to arrange visas on spot for other countries.
Laos: pick up visa at border, make sure you have US$, don't pay in other currency.
Cambodia: don't get your visa at border, you will pay triple price (bribe), arrange visa in advance in Bangkok, Laos (Vengvieng, Vientien, LP).
Vietnam: arrange visa in Laos, Cambodia in advance.
Usually, fairly easy and convenient using agents to arrange visas for you, paying a few extra dollars worth it.

3. I am a 5,3 female and I am wondering what size backpack to get, I was thinking 55+10/15 but my boyfriend thinks that might be too big for me and to maybe get a 45+10/15 but is that too small for a whole 12 months of travelling?

Lighter you travel, the better it is. Leave everything home you may not need. Easy to buy extra stuff on the road, cheaper too.
Warm (autumn/winter) clothing needed only for the mountain areas in Latin America. Can be very chilly even at the equator...

4. We are getting all vaccinations needed and malaria tablets and have been advised to consider a rabies vaccination- the rabies vaccination is very expensive and I am wondering from people that have been to the places I am going to what is your opinion, to get or not to get?

No need for rabies, even if you plan to go wild areas. Note: rabies vaccination doesn't give full protection, you will need to go to the doctor and get more jabs anyway. Bats also spread rabies! But again, don't worry - no need.
Same: no need for mosquito net. And don't be to worried about malaria either. Sometimes better to carry pills and take them only when you fall sick.

Let me know if you need more info and some tips about routes, etc.

Highly recommend reading travel advice on: and
They are up to date and very useful - scams throughout south-east asia and security/robberies in latin-america. Pls do take them seriously.
But don't worry - just be always on top of things and be prepared! And don't carry any valuables in latin-america!!!!

You will have the best time of your life!

Have a nice trip!

Thank you so much for the advice its been a huge help

So excited now go in 97 days!!!


Backpacks, budget, vaccinations and visas.

Backpacks, budget, vaccinations and visas.

Backpacks, budget, vaccinations and visas.

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