I am nearly 31 and thinking
of leaving my job and home to go travelling beginning of 2012.
I am nearly 31
I won't be able to work due to age And thinking of staying a few months before going to Thailand.
If you book an Australian (or New Zealand) now (before you really turn 31), it will be granted (it's until age 30 inclusive, and the application date is what counts), and then you have a full year to enter the country and start the visa, which would fit with your "beginning of 2012" date.
If you don't manage to apply before you turn 31, New Zealand still has an option for British citizens , which runs until age 35.
[q]Is it best too book with a travel group company?
Will it be easy to make friends at my age?[/q]
I can strongly recommend making your own way, and not booking with any company, except for short trips when in specific locations. And yes, it's plenty easy to meet people and make 'friends' (it's unlikely for travel friends to really become good friends that you'll stay in touch with after travelling, but even that is not unheard of). You're really not that old; sure, the majority of travellers fall into the 21-25 age bracket, but there's a really significant amount of independent travellers older than that, going all the way to people in their 80s.
[ 07-Feb-2011, at 23:31 by Sander ]
Hi Jo
Firstly, I agree with the above - just to reassure you, I turned 31 on 2nd Jan and applied online via the Oz immigration website for my visa on 1st Jan (YES I KNOW THE DAY BEFORE THE DEADLINE-GIVE YOURSELF MORE TIME!) not having any idea if I would get the 417 (working visa for Oz), but to my sheer joy I received an email a few hours later to my inbox confirming the visa with the relevant reference numbers. I have until 1st Jan 2012 to enter Oz and then from that entry date have another year so i'll basically be hitting 32 and coming home an old biddy! Yikes!
Anyway don't be worrying about making friends your age, I had that concern, yes the majority may be younger but can that really put you off , it certainly hasn't put me off as it's my world too! Anyway my story is I've been on this a few weeks and through these posts have been in contact with 2 Scottish folk as i'm in Edinburgh, we've basically decided to do Asia together (as it's not somewhere I personally want to do on my own being female but I know with Oz i've been advised to go solo here and there) we've never met but we're on the same wavelength in terms of wanting to do Asia before Oz so we're gona depart at the end of Oct and travel for @ 7 weeks and then head onto Perth (where it'll be uber hot!). We haven't booked yet but are due to very soon. I'm basically gona get a one way to Beijing (as it would be great to start off with the Great Wall) and work our way down to Singapore - have a flight booked from there onto Perth mid December before my visa expires. I think you'll def meet people and the fact that I found it so easy to get a couple to go with i'm sure you'll be fine-all else fails come earlier with us, I think one more won't be an issue! I've decided with a one way because I don't want to be tied with just the year, it would mean 9-10 mths in Oz when I want the whole year (11 at the very least) along with almost 2 months of Asia (also popping over to NZ whilst in Oz).
Anyway from what I have gathered it's best to book your own but again it's each to their own in terms of what they prefer-no one call tell you whats the best, some peeps feel better booking through an agency but if you do you homework on flights you can work it. I did consider a RTW ticket but didn't want to be charged fees and tied to just the year etc so again personal choice on choosing one way-just means i'll have to keep a few quid aside for the return and worst case scenario i'll have a credit card for getting home.
In terms of cash - i've noticed all forums and been advised to have 5,000 Oz dollars which is about £3,600 and because you want to go early 2012 if you save now i've no doubt you'll have that and much more, I'm only starting my savings now for Oct and i'm expecting i'll def have that figure as i'll be a good girl and not buy any more shoes! . If you do end up going for the year you'll prob work so it'll be grand, i know a girl who made beds for getting free accom, also know peeps who fruit picked, there are jobs. I was going to work in the vineyards, fruitfields etc to get the real Oz but I skyped a friend there on Sat morning and she said money was great for just temping work in an office so it's all good. I was like you a few weeks ago totally unsure and thinking of all the same questions and even now i'm a tad nervous but I can honestly say the best thing I did was spend time reading these posts because you'll find it's so reassuring to know your not the only one with the same concerns, I had no idea 2 weeks ago exactly where I wanted to start but it slowly came together as I knew I wanted to do Asia, then I wanted to do a bit of China so thought eh why not begin in Beijing and work my way down getting all in (which I know will be a tad adventurous!), so I would say get reading when you get a chance and you'll pick up hints and tips, it's really a great website, get your visa and get saving!
Any other questions get in touch!
Thank you so much for your response. You have really got me thinking.
I have a lot to sort out, car and a flat full of stuff I need to decide what to do with and my mums 60th in September so I suppose once that is sorted I am free any time after that.
It's so scary and At the mo I'm not sure I'll even have the guts to do it...but
reading things on this website makes me grow confidence.
I looked into the visa today..I am 31 in 3 weeks so a decision needs to be made.
I have always wanted to go to Oz but I have no idea where I want to go etc...and my sense of direction is shocking!!
Thanks so much for ur advise. No doubt I'll be asking u questions along the way
jo x
No worries at all. I know what it's like.
Ha ha 3 weeks for visa - well you know it can be done! It cost me £160 and even when i was booking it I was thinking if I dont go, at worst its £160 I've lost and at least i have a year to make my mind up but haven't had any doubts since the day I booked it!
Look at it this way,least you have a flat, i'm flatsharing and coming back to nada! Still freaking about my stuff but i've got 8 months to sort where to put stuff!
Ya I was the same re where to go, the only reason i've picked Perth is mainly because it'll be hot mid Dec and I've always wanted to experience xmas on the beach. You'll need to check out the weather but I noticed that this winter and after New Year the north (cyclone occured) and east(Brisbane floods) were affected whereas the south west was fine. Obv the cyclone may not occur again but flooding could be likely. The other reason for Perth is because I know a couple of peeps,they could be gone by the time I get there!
Ya just keep reading the posts, I have no doubt your confidence will grow! Sure i've only exchanged about 5 emails with the peeps i'm going with! Essentially it's just having someone to step on and off the plane with and experience hostel sharing due to being a first-timer!
Ok toodles for now.
Aw thanks ur so nice
I just rent my flat but wondering whether to sell all my furniture...also I bought a brand new car in sept before I had this idea of travellling. Need to think about what will happen when I get back!!
I feel like I am making a mad decision :-)
but life is for living!!
Firstly, I agree with the above - just to reassure you, I turned 31 on 2nd Jan and applied online via the Oz immigration website for my visa on 1st Jan (YES I KNOW THE DAY BEFORE THE DEADLINE-GIVE YOURSELF MORE TIME!)
Yeah, definitely try to give a bit more time before applying - as the application date is based on Australian east coast time (which is currently 11 hours ahead of the UK). And of course, you might experience internet or power outage when you intend to apply.
thanks guys - you have definately helped my confidence...just wondering about what to do with all my stuff and my car which I recently bought brand new!!!
I agree tho - life is for living and that is thing I think I have just realised!

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