ytgyrl has indicated that this thread is about Visas (Australia)
Hi, my name is Zack. I'm also leaving for australia in late may. Never done anything like this before either so i'm super excited but freakin out at the same time. I'm not from the boston area but I'm at least from the states, I'll be there a little before you so if you get over there and are havin trouble I'll at least know my way around the city by then. Let me know if you need help or wanna meet up or anything
Hi Zack, thanks for the reply. Are you going to be around the Brisbane area on the first week of june? if so maybe we could meet up. Also Zack are you going alone or with a friend or family? i don't really have a plan yet of what i want to do and where to go yet in Australia but i am up for anything so if you have any ideas let me know and thanks and have a safe trip!
I have no idea to tell you the truth. I'm flying into Sydney, I leave from here May 29th and my flight will get there Tuesday sometime I believe. Brisbane and Sydney are quite a ways apart, but like I said, I have no idea what my plans are. Are you planning on visiting Sydney at all? Also, yes I will be traveling by myself.
sorry, tuesday the 31st
sydney is one of the place i wanted to see so maybe i might take one of those train down to sydney but i will be staying in brisbane for bit. i am looking forward to meeting new peoples and making friends. i hope our paths do cross zack you seem like a very nice guy. keep me posted about your adventures ok n i will do the same.
hello, i am david, i'm 23 and im travelling from manchester england to sydney on june 22nd.
i'm going alone now because my other 3 friends have all backed out and i'm hoping to try to get to know people before i get there, also trying to get some ideas of what to do and where to go.
i think i'll be staying in sydney for a week or 2 but after that i have no idea what the plan is ha.
have you guys managed to get in touch with anyone else travelling in june?
Hi David,
no not really, it seems like almost everyone is going in september or december when the weather is much nicer i guess. Are you also a first time traveller too? it to bad about your friends backing out but yeah you will definitely meet some nice traveller out there from what i have read on this forum so far. i also hope to meet some like minded people out there too! ooh and are you on a whv too?
Hi there,
As a Brisbane resident I can say that we are a friendly bunch. It does come down to where you are staying and what you are planning on doing while you are here but I have to say you will probably have no drama meeting friendly people. If you are staying in Backpackers you will just be prepared for a bit of a walk to the nightspots because while they are in the city centres they aren't centrally located but more on the fringes.
Also Brisbane does tend to shut down about 9ish during the week and about 10-11pm on the weekends for food while nightlife is 3am on the week ends. Be prepared for cooler weather especially our winds but given that you are from boston you will be fine. We have some amazing winter days where we all walk around in t-shirt and jeans and only needing a jumper around 4pm. Personally i think we have some of the best winters because we are so temperate however Cairns is much warmer but you have to deal with the humidity.
Also I would look online at for domestic flights because trains aren't like they are in the states and tend to be expensive and also if memory serves me correctly you still have to get off at Murwillumbah to change trains because of the different gauges in the tracks and can add a few hours to the journey which can annoying. you can pick up flights sometimes really cheap but you will have to book for check in luggage with everyone except for Qantas.
Is probably how would rate the airlines in terms of service, availability with Qantas being the most reliable but not always the cheapest. But it is always worth a look. I have quite often picked up a cheap $49 airfare with them but with a $120 return so that is something to watch.
I hope this helps and you have a awesome time here.
Hi Eileen,
Thanks for the info that difinitely will help me out with my packing too. i was really thinking about taking the rail as my form of transportation because i thought it would be easier that way and of course the scenery is a plus too. But like you say its a little pricy and since i am on a budget it might not be a good idea. And i definitely will enjoy myself n thanks again for the info.

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