Do you have a bad travel exprience?

I have a nightmare in Hanoi and Sapa
In Hanoi we got in a taxi with a corrupt taxidriver, his meter was running twice as we were really driving and when we wanted to stop, the driver threatened us with a stick. He wanted the money for the distance he had already driven (20.000 dong for 500 meter).
There were 3 hotels with the same name in a row in Hanoi. We had booked one and the one we walked in said we had to wait until 8 am before we could get the room with window for 15 dollar (which they also said in a reservation e-mail). We could wait in a small other room without window (which they did not say in their e-mail; it said we had to wait in the lobby and could use the internet there). So when I asked about this internet at 8 am, they took me to the hotel with the same name next door. There I asked about the room and got the room for the price they e-mailed me. When I wanted to pick up my luggage, the first hotel charged me 15 dollar for the room! For just 3 hours without any using of the toilet or shower. And the room with window costs 15 dollar, so the room without should be less right? No, also 15 dollar. Great.
In Sapa my friend got hit by a car. He was protecting his head by raising his arm (cars were racing by on the road really close). His hand touched a outside mirror of a passing car and the mirror folded inward (like you sometimes do when you park your car on a busy road). The driver got mad and wanted 4 million dong (300 dollar) for his broken window (which wasn't broken at all). He grabbed a stone and wanted to throw it at my friend when he refused to pay. Thank god there were more people there to help him, because this would have escalated badly otherwise. An English guy and his Vietnamese wife passed by and talked to us and them. She said that the driver said that we were just rich Westerners and that we could well pay a 100 dollars. The English guy guy told us this happens everyday over there. So this is how some North Vietnamese make a living.
This is our experience and I am sure there are much more nice Vietnamese than bad ones, but take this as a warning. Be careful not to get hit by a car, because you have to pay for it.

A guy in a shop in Savanakett in Laos once spat in my face for trying to buy a bottle of coke with US dollars.
He screamed, 'Americana out out!'

I was locked in a holding room which looks like a prison after forgot to declare a box of cigarette by Singaporean custom (he took my passport as well). After around 30-45 minutes, the called me to a room and informed that I need either to pay S$10(USD7++) or they'll take my ciggies. I told them it was just a bloody RM5 (USD1.5++) and left without the cigarette. It was my fault as I didnt know that 1 box of cigarette should be declared over there.

[ 31-Aug-2009, at 09:13 by opospa ]

An English guy and his Vietnamese wife passed by and talked to us and them. She said that the driver said that we were just rich Westerners and that we could well pay a 100 dollars. The English guy guy told us this happens everyday over there. So this is how some North Vietnamese make a living.
This is our experience and I am sure there are much more nice Vietnamese than bad ones, but take this as a warning. Be careful not to get hit by a car, because you have to pay for it.

I've heard so many bad stories about Vietnam travel. I guess mine was just annoying stuff and the big ripp offs in day one. I was travelling with a European, who had Euros to burn, so they keep ripping us off. So sometimes, it is the rich kids on a holiday that give ignorant parasites that idea that it is their divine right to cheat foreign visitors.

But in all fairness, I have met/saw atleast two honest locals. I saw one vendor picking some dollars bills on the street and rush to give it to the traveller who dropped it. And I bought something from a vendor, I didn't know that my money was like 50,000 or million, then she gave me the correct change, even when I was already far away from the old lady.

But some of them just look so greedy and like predators, its like a personality trait of those guys who work in the hostels in the old quarters. The guys with very bad outfits and haircut, I have seen them beating up travellers.

This really a shame with Vietnamese because Hanoi is the Vietnam's capital.
But I think you would be better if traveling in the South of Vietnam: from Hue to Hochiminh, people are more friendly, polite...
I have a good time in Phanthiet maybe one of the best beach and the people is very warm. Mui Nee is beautiful and INEXPENSIVE


I've heard so many bad stories about Vietnam travel. I guess mine was just annoying stuff and the big ripp offs in day one. I was travelling with a European, who had Euros to burn, so they keep ripping us off. So sometimes, it is the rich kids on a holiday that give ignorant parasites that idea that it is their divine right to cheat foreign visitors.

But in all fairness, I have met/saw atleast two honest locals. I saw one vendor picking some dollars bills on the street and rush to give it to the traveller who dropped it. And I bought something from a vendor, I didn't know that my money was like 50,000 or million, then she gave me the correct change, even when I was already far away from the old lady.

I know a guy who was in inner Mongolia on business when he recieved a telegram (yes they still have them!) That his brother had died. The cheapest flight was going to cost him €5000 to get back in time for the funeral (which he didnt have). Yet the waitress at the hotel he was statying at offered to give him €900 (her life savings - Practically a years wage for her!) to help get him home in time. Sometimes the poorest people can be the most generous. - Can you imagine that happening in the rich west?


I've heard so many bad stories about Vietnam travel. I guess mine was just annoying stuff and the big ripp offs in day one. I was travelling with a European, who had Euros to burn, so they keep ripping us off. So sometimes, it is the rich kids on a holiday that give ignorant parasites that idea that it is their divine right to cheat foreign visitors.

But in all fairness, I have met/saw atleast two honest locals. I saw one vendor picking some dollars bills on the street and rush to give it to the traveller who dropped it. And I bought something from a vendor, I didn't know that my money was like 50,000 or million, then she gave me the correct change, even when I was already far away from the old lady.

I know a guy who was in inner Mongolia on business when he recieved a telegram (yes they still have them!) That his brother had died. The cheapest flight was going to cost him €5000 to get back in time for the funeral (which he didnt have). Yet the waitress at the hotel he was statying at offered to give him €900 (her life savings - Practically a years wage for her!) to help get him home in time. Sometimes the poorest people can be the most generous. - Can you imagine that happening in the rich west?

So did he accept the offer?? Just wanted to know...

No.. he felt too guilty...

He managed to get to wangle some train to some backwater in china, then a flight to Beijjing for about €2000 in the end up.


I've heard so many bad stories about Vietnam travel. I guess mine was just annoying stuff and the big ripp offs in day one. I was travelling with a European, who had Euros to burn, so they keep ripping us off. So sometimes, it is the rich kids on a holiday that give ignorant parasites that idea that it is their divine right to cheat foreign visitors.

But in all fairness, I have met/saw atleast two honest locals. I saw one vendor picking some dollars bills on the street and rush to give it to the traveller who dropped it. And I bought something from a vendor, I didn't know that my money was like 50,000 or million, then she gave me the correct change, even when I was already far away from the old lady.

I know a guy who was in inner Mongolia on business when he recieved a telegram (yes they still have them!) That his brother had died. The cheapest flight was going to cost him €5000 to get back in time for the funeral (which he didnt have). Yet the waitress at the hotel he was statying at offered to give him €900 (her life savings - Practically a years wage for her!) to help get him home in time. Sometimes the poorest people can be the most generous. - Can you imagine that happening in the rich west?

So did he accept the offer?? Just wanted to know...

If you said Mongolia, I would be, "whoa amazing"

Inner Mongolia? Hmmm, "is that true or is that propaganda" But yes did he accept the money???


What do you think I am? A red agent?

'Inner Mongolia' is a northern Chinese province - it has semi autonomy from the Beijing government.

'Outer Mongolia' is a Chinese term for what is now the state of Mongolia, + part of Russia.

Don't think theres any controversy about it, its not like Tibet or Taiwan

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