Hey all out there!!....
Hi, Im going to australia too in august. Which you reminded me, I have to send my visa application soon!
Im trying to plan where to stay in Sydney too. As you, Im flying there in august. I have a hostel booked for the four first nights, and will take it from there. Will go out and try to find a flatshare immediately. Hopefully I find something before the fifth day. Dont know if thats realistic or not, but I'll see. If not, I just live at a hostel for some more days.
I guess there is harder to find a job than a place to live, so I was also thinking its maybe better to find a job first, so I could find a place to live close to where I work. But then I would have to stay at a hostel for so long, so I think I just find a place to live right away.
What do you think/plan about this?
Im in the process of sorting out my visa...once i get that for defenate, then going to book my flights.....what dates are you booked for? i need to make sure everything is sorted before i go handing in my notice at work! haha
Once ive got the dates of my flights then im going to book a hostel in sidney...which one have you used?
Realistly im not looking to stay in hostels too much of the time....so your idea seems to be a good one...but i wouldnt even have the first clue where to start.....I think id need a couple of weeks to get my bearings and do abit of sightseeing...general touristy stuff and then look for work...as im just escaping one job i dont want to jump straight into another one within having some fun first..but ive got enough funds to support me for quite a few months.
Have you ever been before? How old are you? Im rather excited to be escaping this country!
Hey Georgie! my names terry, I'm 22 male from UK. I'm flying to Melbourne Australia on 4th July, it seems i'm much like you, my friend pulled out 2 weeks ago so I'm going on my own, I have no idea where to stay and I ideally wouldnt like to be in hostels too long. I want to try find a job as soon as possible just to build my money back up haha.
How long ago did you apply for your visa? I was told to do it in advance cos it can sometimes take a few months to approve, but I checked my emails next day and it had been approved.
When you're booking flights I researched alot and cheapest I ever found was with air aisa, if you can find flights to kuala lumpar or bali relatively cheap the flight from those places to Oz is pretty cheap too. And if you can get a flight to anywhere on the east coast thats cheper than flying Sydney it may be worth doing that and then travel to Sydney. And for places to stay and jobs try http://sydney.gumtree.com.au/ it has like a house share and couch surfing sections etc. it might be useful to see if you can arrange something on there before you go.
Hope this info has helped you!
I have my flight booked for august 18th. Then Im staying at Sydney Central YHA for four days.
I had that on my mind too, that I first would just have fun before I start to look for work. But I found out it would be best for me to try to find something right away. It maybe take some weeks to get a job anyway. And when you finally get a job, its maybe not even fulltime. So I think I will have enough time to have fun and explore Sydney in the time between where I start to look for work, till when I finally get something. And it would be nice with some extra money too
No, I have never been there before, so Im very excited about going! :D Im 22 years old.
Hi terry!....Well ive got this travel agency not far from where i work in birmingham and they have been giving me alot of advice and have had a look at some flights that are really reasonable!...They can help you sort everything out from your flights to your phone and bank accounts! Which is quite helpfull for someone like me, wh is literally clueless!
You will be there abit before me, wont be flying until nearer the end of august due to work commitments....so gives me plenty of time to get things sorted. Where are you planning on staying while you are there? sydney or elsewhere?
I really want to ideally do abit of travelling round auz while i am there.....i think if i commit myself to one place too soon, ill regret not exploring abit...so im going to book bits in sydney and then kind of take it as it comes and see who i meet out there! Think thats the thrilling part of it all - you just cant guarentee what you will be doing or who you will be with!.....thanks for the website will be checking it out!!
Hey! I'm flying to Melbourne, I've heard its a city to go visit, so I'll stayy there for a few weeks maybe, looking for jobs, I really didnt wanna tie myslef down with work either cos I want to see places, but I need money to do stuff. Also I was thinking of trying to get a second year visa, which you can qualify for if you do 88 days of work in your first 1, so if I could do the work part early, then go travelling then get a second year visa that would be awesome. 2 of my favourite bands are playing in Melbourne and sydney so depending on job or where Im staying I should still be round Melbourne, maybe moved on to Sydney by october. And I agree about the whole not knowing what you're doing and who you will be with I really can't wait to get out there now!

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